Zack is 1 year old today
Happy Birthday to my little man
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Zack is 1 year old today
Happy Birthday to my little man
Looks like he has matured nicely. Congrats to him and you! Any idea how much he weighs at one?
Roughly about 6.5kg I think. I was going to take him to get weighed but as it is 37 C today and going to be 43 C tomorrow I might postpone any car trip til it cools a bit.
Happy Birthday to happy boy! He deserves a special treat on his first B-day. I celebrated my kitties 1st birthday with candles, cake, canned delicacy for them and some guests.
Hurray for handsome Zack! And many happy returns. :smile:
I hope he manages to keep cool in that great coat of his.
Happy Birthday to you xx Wonderful photos
Happy birthday Zack! :)
Happy Birthday Zach! Many congratulations on a super-looking boy. Birthday hugs from Sheffield! xxx
Happy Birthday to you,happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear Zaaack,happy birthday to you,love the photos too,look forward to next years birthday & another album,phew sounds a bit warm where you live.....x
Happy Birthday Zack, mighty handsome lad you are too :-)