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RIP sweet China Blue
This morning we had to take the dreaded step of saying goodbye to our girl China,
I found a lump underneath her yesterday so hubby brought her up to work during the afternoon & it was right on the umbilicas so Ken was not too worried about it but she was really stiff in the back so Ken done some chiro to release it & she seemed to be her usual happy self afterwards showing him what a good job he had done once again but during the evening she seemed to go downhill quite rapidly. I had her sleeping with me & had lots of purrs & cuddles but this morning she started dragging her hind legs again & her little face had that empty look that tells you all,we took her back & the boss felt a massive growth in the bowel.
She was our first MC,an ex breeding queen,she was a law unto herself,she was hard work for the first couple of years, she gave us some headaches but she also gave us love by the bucketfulls in return plus the added bonus of our love of MC's.
Sleep tight little one,have fun at Rainbow Bridge with all your past friends,will miss you & luv you always xxx
I'm really sorry. She looks like she was a lovely cat and sounds like she had a fantastic life with you guys. Best wishes, Alison.
So sorry to hear this
Oh, poor China! How very very sad to have to let your lovely girl go. I am so sorry for you and your husband. I wish you all the best; the sweet memories of her will remain forever.
X Anna
Jackie, so sorry to hear about your sad news. Steve.
I'm so very sorry for your loss. It takes me back a few months to when I had to say goodbye to my first MC and brings tears to my eyes. She was a lovely lass. How old was she?
I am sorry to hear of your loss. We will keep you and your family in our prayers.
Very sad! Made even harder by the short time you had to prepare. Glad she meant so much in your life though, as that is a nice legacy.
RIP sweet China Blue
Thanks everyone,I am still a bit shell shocked how quick it all happened,when we went to pick her up from the cattery yesterday morning we got the expected telling off from Auntie Gloria about the mice santa had taken them,China true to form had been busy drowning them in the water bowl,even a few minutes before we arrived Gloria was busy trying to save them from getting wet again & China was having none of it,could you believe that she was hiding something so sinister from us all.I know she had bad asthma & I suppose I always thought that would be involved in the end but not to be.
She was thirteen & a half Walter so she had been around a fair while but would have been great to be greedy & had her a bit longer.
Now going to go & try to enjoy an evening of murder & mystery,just hope I don't end up being the murderer in it or that could be one step too far today.....x
So sorry to hear that Jackie, our thoughts are with you xxx
So sorry to read about the passing of China, hold on to the happy times. Sending you hugsw at this time Hxx
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