Yes, but I had the dickens scared out of me lots too. Some really nasty falls..... Teddy Bearz still has his moments although infrequent. I have a broken toe that was almost all healed up after over a month. 2 days ago, Teddy Bearz crashed into my foot as I was walking. Really hard... I was left yeowling for many minutes. When I finally got over my agony, I went in search of Teddy Bearz who was freaked out He was hiding under the bed and would not come out. Oh no... I thought he was really hurt bad. After some time, I got him out and he seemed fine. I guess he was just upset since mommie was yeowling. Anyways, my toe is rebroken. What a bruser of a kitty.....
Oh no, what a nightmare! Hope your toe gets better real soon xx