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  1. #1
    Active Cat
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    It is so lovely to see.........

    How Maisie's trust and affection for me has developed since she came to live here. I think the Diva performance sprang from a ' I really dont need anybody' self protection attitude resulting from her having had her home with the breeder and then for a short while with a gentleman who sadly died; then back to the breeder and on to me. Meanwhile she was going to shows all over the place which though I was told Maisie enjoyed, I somehow doubt .
    Now she seeks me out and wants to sit beside me or even on my lap and enjoys being patted. and it is obvious she rather likes me!! Also she is showing an interest in playing so all is going very well. It is amazing to experience an animal sizing you up and slowly coming to the decision that it is ok to be your friend.
    So I may have to stop calling her Diva and apologise to her for the misunderstanding!

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Thanked 34 Times in 32 Posts
    Can you post any pictures of your Maisie?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    How wonderful for you both, Elizabeth. There are few things more rewarding than gaining the trust and affection of an animal who has been unhappy for whatever reason. I'm sure that anyone who has had a rescue cat, for example, who has gone through the experience of bringing them round, will know what you mean. When we plucked our black Persian cat Bob off the street almost 11 years ago, he had been howling at us for a good half-hour, but at the same time would not emerge from behind a big gate to a car yard where he had been living rough for some weeks. He wanted to get our attention, but at the same time he was too scared to come forward. In the end OH just grabbed him. In our house, he dived into the cellar and nearly escaped. I put him in the spare room and he spent the first night in a tiny warm space behind the hot water tank. In the morning he refused to come out. Then he lived under the spare bed for 3 weeks, only emerging for food. Slowly he began to talk to me when I fed him, and to sit on my lap for a bit. Then he accepted the other 2 cats and last of all, most unfairly, the OH who had scraped him off the street in the first place! He had to be shaved completely and had a spell in the vets with a terrible abcess which nearly killed him. He disappeared for 5 days and mysteriously came back again, to our great joy. We moved house and for some reason he decided the corner of the living room floor was his loo, and we had a constant battle with him for years afterwards to use the garden like the others. Anyway, I'm rambling now, but he went from these difficult beginnings to become our very best mate and constant companion. He had all sorts of funny Bob-like ways. He was hilarious, officious, bossy, cuddly and wise. Can a cat really be all those things?

    Here is a favourite picture of Bob. Larry and Monty are doing a great job of filling his boots.
    It is so lovely to see.........-site-mascot-bob.jpg

  4. #4
    Top Cat
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    That's great news, Elizabeth, and I'm sure Maisie won't mind about the misunderstanding

    HB, I don't think I've seen a picture of Bob before and he looks like a real character. He sounds like he was a lot of fun to have around when you mention him x
    Karen, Freyja & Wicca

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Sheffield, UK
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreyjaRoMaine View Post
    HB, I don't think I've seen a picture of Bob before and he looks like a real character. He sounds like he was a lot of fun to have around when you mention him x
    He sure was, Karen. It was a really deep one with Bob. Hence my moniker. Howlinbob even had his own current account with the Yorkshire Bank (I kid you not!) Still got the chequebook somewhere.




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