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  1. #1
    Top Cat
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    North London, UK
    Thanked 116 Times in 105 Posts

    "Cat Proof" my decking

    For later this year, once my three boys have been neutered (Aug/Sept), I would like to make my decking a cat run / cat proof so that they can go in and out of the house while I am at work. Advice appreciated.

    The deck currently has a partially embedded staircase but I am asking the original fitters to quote to have it rebuilt so that it starts at the edge of the deck and gives a single, large flat area that could be gated / netted easily.

    Because the garden itself is sloping away from the house, the level of the deck near the house means that what was the old 6' fencing is now about 4' high either side of the decking and there is a garden gate at the side with two small downward steps but no gap underneath.

    Luckily, I got the company to install tall posts as part of the handrail - originally for hanging shades / curtains etc. But will now be really good for any netting etc. Just need to put something up at the side gate I think and there are mounting points all the way around. Maybe.

    So, I'm thinking a little additional trellis / fence on the sides and then netting of some suitable type coming up to a height and back over to stop the little bundles of joy.

    Questions for you experienced cat herders:

    What type, if any, netting actually works for large areas ?

    Is there anyway to solve the problem of controlled human access to the garden without moving lots of netting *and* not looking out of place ?

    Ditto the side gate ?

    Any comments / warnings / advice appreciated.

    Oh, and I do no want to build a "cat trap" for other neighbourhood cats to be able to get into but not out of
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails PMG_1777.JPG   PMG_1778.jpg   PMG_1779.JPG   PMG_1782.jpg  




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