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Debbie asks if it is worth getting a kitten sight unseen from a non-reputable breeder. I would say getting a kitten from a non-reputable breeder is always a big risk--whether you go see the kitten or not. There is really only so much you are going to find out by a brief visit and by seeing a very young kitten. In particular I don't feel you can judge their eventual look too well. What about personality? I would think that is probably the best reason to go visit, and yet I am skeptical that will tell you a lot. As kittens, ours have all been much more similar than different, but they all have very distinctive personalities as adults. Will you see the true personalities in an hour? What if some are sleepy while you are there? I think the breeders see differences being around them for weeks, so I would frankly rely more on their assessment than one I did quickly.