This naughty guy weighs a puny 3.8 kg! He managed to knock the bathroom mirror off, this landed in the sink causing the smash! The mirror broke too! I was just glad he didn't cut himself. He's developed another worrying habit- he likes to nibble the edge of glasses/mirrors/light bulbs!! I'm starting to think he does it to get attention. I find him trying to bite a chunk out of the light bulb in my bedside lamp and so I'm forced to get out of bed and do something about it!
He is frustrated with something. May be he wants to dominate? He needs a consultation of feline psychologist but you can try to do "cat counseling" by yourself for few minutes every day. Ask him what's on his mind and what he wants to change in his surroundings.
Wow thats one thats going to take some beating, we have had the usual scratch damage walls, sofa and carpet. Also the blinds in the window have taken a beating as Hector seems to spend most of the day looking out ( I don't know what he is going to to for entertaiment when the builders have finished across the road!) so they are covered in hair and ripping when from when he falls out, he also takes out the cables from the back of the tv when he does his oh so dignified dive.
Iggie and Ted have eaten through the cables for my speakers and two telephones, plus the extension for the internet. They've knocked over the mug tree and all six mugs shattered. My bed looks a bit worse for wear, as they use one of the bed posts as a scratching post ( I have two scratching posts, one big one in the living room and a small one in the bedroom). Oh and they love swinging on the shower curtain, so I buy the really cheap plastic ones from Ikea now.
The damage may start increasing as Ted worked out how to open the kitchen cabinets yesterday!! Tried my best to cat-proof it with some string...
hehe, he definitely wins the prize! I thought our Chew-Monster was bad enough - we are on our second mobile phone charger, the backs of the dining room chairs are now perforated, hubby's valentine's card is now in braille - and the less said about the armchair and sofa the better - but he does seem to come a very poor second to Dudley!
So in summary, we seem to have a right bunch of reprobates! Somehow dudley's naughtiness just makes him all the more endearing. Awwwww- teddy bearz is such a wee darling!
Well after reading all these tales of naughtiness, I don't feel so bad about Larry! His favourite scratching area is the base of the bookcase (thanks Laggs!). And we are getting used to the fact that he is capable of knocking quite heavy things over: the fruit bowl was found on the floor, shattered. Ditto the teapot, a very nice one which I've had for years, now replaced by a 99p job from the PDSA shop. Several bottles of wine have gone over as he charges past at breakneck speed (sometimes open, eek, and sometimes lid still on, phew!). But his most infamous escapade was OH's new android mobile phone - one day it just couldn't be found anywhere in the house, and panic was setting in, had he left it in the car/shop/pub? had we been burgled? Then he found it... in the kitchen sink, under a load of dirty wet plates, soaking wet...and it wasn't insured so we had to buy a replacement which wasn't cheap. Lesson learned though - don't leave your phone on the kitchen windowsill, duh!
Our 2 male littermate MCs are maurading destructive tornadoes. They have chewed through many wires so I had to buy electrical repair kits. They leap everywhere and test their agility / strength / prowess. They've clawed the tassels off curtains, knocked everything over everywhere, pulled everything out of and off shelves / surfaces, run thru the house like lunatic banshees. They've bent the blinds totally past repair and crawled and bitten their way thru every inch of the house. No sink destruction but Pyrate is now peeing in the sinks, and very proud of this new skill.
And they get rambunctious and incite the puppy to chase them and play. The puppy is a 140-pound Newfoundland male and all 3 furkids race around so the house literally shakes; sounds like thunder or trains running through.
Kittens are growing like jack + beanstalk, insanely fast growth, play maniacs, dervish whirlwinds.
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