Hehehe, so Monty isn't the only hair-chewer then! Aren't they brilliant.
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Hehehe, so Monty isn't the only hair-chewer then! Aren't they brilliant.
I have 4 cats, all different breeds. A persian, a ragdoll, a british shorhair and a Maine coon. The MC is definitely the CIA agent of the band. The ragdoll and the BSH are nosy too but not AS nosy...;-)
Only the persian (female) is quite aloof. She's an old spinster (like me..;-)
Freyja and Wicca have to be in the same room as us, and you can see they're torn if me and OH are in two different rooms! Freyja tends to follow me more than OH though, especially if I head upstairs to read in bed. Wicca is the one that can't take a hint when you want some privacy, and you're treated to relentless scratching against the door to get in. She's either deliberately trying to drive us insane, or genuinely thinks that she'll eventually wear through the door...
When I'm trying to get ready for work in the morning, I boot both of them out the bedroom so I can get on in peace; when I open the door to grab my coat etc, I find the two of them sat right outside, up against the door, waiting for me.
And I can't remember the last time I could have a pee in peace without the MC chorus outside the bathroom door... :koolkat:
Or that you'll give in!
We have an older cat who will do the same thing -- but he was declawed. He's developed a technique of 'digging' at the door to make it rattle against the jamb. :pissed:
If he gets too insistent, I grab the water bottle with the squirter, open the door, and see how many times I can squeeze the trigger. :LOL:
If I am in on my own I don't bother shutting the door anymore!!!! I can't remember the last time I had a bath without company either!! They even kept me company when I was in the bath when I was in labour :nod:
Freddie has never had a bath without an MC sitting on the corner watching:winkwink:
Cor,that was getting a bit personal of them Helen although I suppose you could class it as being therapeutic,they do seem to have a calming influence once they have got over nosing into everything,pulling out every toy they can & making sure every one possible that will go under furniture does & then sit & wail for you to retrieve them,play racing against each other thundering around the house & out into the cat pen,back again over the chairs onto the windowsill,oops sorry did we just knock that cuppa over,well look out here we come again,oh dear bruv think we pushed it too far jumping onto the dining room table & making mum fly to rescue her favourite candle burner,especially when she was on her hands & knees muttering some French language while she is mopping up the tea "she"spilt,should know better by now than leave it on a side table that is on corner number one of race circuit,what shall we do now,I know,we will all go to our favourite spot & pretend to be worn out & leave it to Shimba to stalk mum until she sits down & then he can win our case over,prurrp,prurrp,kisses,cuddles,just sit up a bit more so I can get right on your lap,thats better isn't it I can now look straight into your eyes with mine,just close them a bit to get the right effect,perhaps a little head nudge will help as well,yep thats done it lads I can feel her starting to relax out,job done,my big no1 shadow has worked his magic again .
I also have a black shadow when trying to do anything personal,the best is trying to put mascara on with him sitting on the dressing table beside you & then out of the corner of your eye you see a head tilting over side ways trying to get a better view.....
What would we do without them though,if they were not there with a paw beside you all the time wouldn't life now be boring....No 1 shadow has just arrived to help,wondered where he had got too..!
Yes I have a constant 'ginger' shadow! Yesterday we had the plumber here and Mufasa was being very vocal and wanting attention all the time. Whilst I was using the computer he kept standing up and holding onto my backside through the chair with his claws (OUCH!) until he got full attention. It only stopped when I pulled up a chair beside me for his royalness and he settled down quite happily! :satisfied: