Toys for bored paws
Before we got Storvenn and Loki I did a bit of reading up on what toys cats seemed to prefer. We bought a zeus cat tree (from zoo plus) which they love. We also got some balls to chase and I made a 'toy on a stick' thingy. These they 'enjoy' too, but only on an 'if Im in the mood' basis.
Well.. Im afraid to say that after extensive testing (3 hours this morning) I can soundly confirm that my pennies would have been better spent on:-
a) A ball of screwed up paper thrown into the kitchen lino area.
b) An empty loo roll.
[ame="http://s234.photobucket.com/albums/ee294/MR2_Tomiam/?action=view¤t=DSCF2625.flv"]DSCF2625.flv video by MR2_Tomiam - Photobucket@@AMEPARAM@@http://vid234.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid234.photobucket.com/albums/ee294/MR2_Tomiam/DSCF2625.flv@@AMEPARAM@@vid234@@AMEPARAM@@234@@AME PARAM@@ee294/MR2_Tomiam/DSCF2625[/ame]
Hope you enjoy the video :)
Looks like they're having fun! :applaud:
Paper balls and empty loo rolls are favourites here too! And what they also really love: cardboard boxes! To play with, to sleep in, and to destroy.:winkwink:
:koolkat: We discovered the same. Little Winston is just as happy playing with tinfoil balls ad old bus tickets . He also like to jump into my recycling bag of paper.
He does enjoy his toys as well :AddEmoticons00934:
Nice to know before I go and spend a fortune! Love the video:cheerful:
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