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Thread: Feeding Advice

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WoodsideMaineCoons Feeding Advice 2nd March 2011, 10:53 AM
jckkerrison Feeding advice 2nd March 2011, 11:06 AM
WoodsideMaineCoons I wouldn't mind her being... 2nd March 2011, 11:14 AM
jckkerrison Feeding advice 2nd March 2011, 01:39 PM
WoodsideMaineCoons She's the only one of mine... 2nd March 2011, 03:25 PM
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    Feeding Advice

    Hi All

    Up until last year, I used to feed my cats a completely raw diet. After the supplier closed down and we failed to find a new one, we switched over to a commercial biccie and wet food diet.

    Gradually, the cats have learned that they don't need to eat everything all in one go and that the biccie is down all the time....except for our neuter girl Lola. No matter how much I feed her, she is super greedy and cannot leave any biccie in the bowl at all. This is proving difficult as she has a very sensitive tummy and so too much goes straight through her (a full on cat bath at 5:30am this morning was not fun!!)

    I can't not leave food down as I have Malia who is pregnant and Star who need bulking up still after having her kittens.

    Any ideas on how I can retrain Lola into grazing?? All the cats have wet food morning and evening and then James Wellbeloved biccie the rest of the time. I guess I could shut Lola in the conservatory during the day but she loves being in the house with the rest of us. I also have a new girl joining us next week and I know that she will be used to grazing as well so want to make sure that she can free feed too.

    Any ideas appreciated





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