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Thread: Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!

  1. #21

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    Fab Day.... some nice shots.. ( I think lol)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-img_0231.jpg   Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-img_0294.jpg   Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-img_0297.jpg  

  2. #22
    The same for Mimi..... mind she has swallowed a football!! lol,
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-mimi218-05-2011.jpg   Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-mimi18-05-2011.jpg  
    jckkerrison and Helen & John like this.

  3. #23
    Mimi has gone in to labour on day 63 !! full circle.... we have now come, Mimi is now doing what she was bought by Amber to do have her babies..

    So far we have 8 I do hope there are no more...
    She has:-

    2 Black and whites 1 Boy one Girl
    3 Creams with white could be one tabby 3 Boys
    1 Black Tortie tabby and white Girl
    1 Blue Tabby and white Boy
    1 Black Tortie shaded and white Girl

    I will keep you posted!!

    Amber is busy playing midwife as I write!! lol.... she is very excited right now..
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-mimis-babies-001.jpg   Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-mimis-babies-005.jpg  
    Last edited by debbie560; 28th May 2011 at 03:01 PM.

  4. #24
    We have had a very traumatic time with the babies and mum she has been very poorly!!

    However we have turned the corner now we lost 2 of the babies Mimi sat on them they and she were just to weak plus she had no social skills going from one cattery to another!

    We have 6 very strong now and healthy babies they have been hand reared every 2 hours since they where born by Amber and myself but we are getting there...

    We are now only feeding tops ups every 3 hours and they are thriving and strong enough now if mum sits on them to scream blue murder until she gets off them or wriggle away!!

    They are so strong now we have named them...

    5 boys and 1 girl.. more photos soon...

  5. #25
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    Sorry Debbie had missed out on Mimi giving birth altogether,have found since the forum was updated that a lot of the new postings don't come up,only picked it up now as it was showing in the posts down the side.
    So sorry about the lost babes but pleased for Amber & mum{s}that all seems to be going well now,look forward to seeing pictures of the babes as they grow...x
    debbie560 likes this.

  6. #26

    Show Off Mimi's babies

    Hi, I have not been on much very busy with work and the babies, plus too tired lol... but also I find this new forum a bit of a muddle!! lol, and my old eyes can not be bothered..

    I have one bad photo taken the other day...

    But hope to have some nicer ones soon..

    Debbie x
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-cats-mimi-02-06-2011-036.jpg  

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to debbie560 For This Useful Post:

    jckkerrison (3rd June 2011)

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by debbie560 View Post
    Hi, I have not been on much very busy with work and the babies, plus too tired lol... but also I find this new forum a bit of a muddle!! lol, and my old eyes can not be bothered..

    Debbie x
    Pleased I am not the only one who can't get on with it so well thought it was just me & age....x
    debbie560 likes this.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

  10. #28

    Show Off Mimis babies one week old!!

    I think we have turned the corner, Mimi is so well now and so happy she has accepted her babies and for the first time in the night for over one week other than having to deal with Corrigan, Amber and I HAVE had some sleep!! we will of course top them up if they need it 4 large boxes of kitten milk to get through lol!!

    But I think its time to take over!!

    The names of the babies are...

    Eclipse Two Good Reasons (M)
    Eclipse Temper Tantrum (M)
    Eclipse Touch of Triumph (M)
    Eclipse Trophonius (M)
    Eclipse Tango Foxtrot (M)
    Eclipse Tabasko Kat (F)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Update on Mimi..... Think she is just coming in to call!!-corrigans-babies-geboren-04-06-2011-002.jpg  
    jckkerrison likes this.

  11. #29
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    Poor babies, their names are longer than they are lol xx
    debbie560 and Amber 93 like this.


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