Don't know anyone in that area but fingers crossed for you all that you can soon find somewhere that allows TWO furry babes,it would be great for Teddy to have a friend of his own as well as his two legged slaves....
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Don't know anyone in that area but fingers crossed for you all that you can soon find somewhere that allows TWO furry babes,it would be great for Teddy to have a friend of his own as well as his two legged slaves....
I haven't mentioned to the breeder yet that we're interested but don't think I should say anything in case we end up being disappointed!
No I agree,if it is meant to be it will happen....x
Argh! Dave's sister came round today and quizzed us about Teddy - she was SO rude. She kept calling him a 'thing' and complaining about how difficult he's going to make our lives and how horrible cats are. I'm SO angry! That's really rude, regardless of your opinion on things there's a point where you keep your thoughts to yourself!...any one else have to deal with this?
Oh Stacey that's horrible. I would guess that everyone on here has, at some time, come across someone like Dave's sister. I wouldn't take it to heart, I would feel sorry for her, so much she is missing out on. The Tedster is beautiful by the way and I am so excited for you, do love the reds !!! Alison x
Thanks Alison! I was just so angry/upset! Some of our friends don't exactly approve (most think it's lovely) but none of them have been horrible, they've just said they don't think it's a good idea. I suppose it's because we're 'young' but I don't think she realises that we've been planning this since September! I think reds are my favourite but I like silvers and creams too :smile:
As a single man with only a limited amount family in the UK I get to choose my friends and my friends like cats (not just mine!) or they aren't my friends. It's actually one of the few "core values" that I don't budge on. They don't have to love them or have their own, but anyone who has a problem doesn't get a look in. Generally, these sad failures dislike all animals, not just cats and have empathy problems.
Sadly, you aren't in that space. However, try not to take it too hard as what's really important is that you and Dave will be happy with Teddy (and maybe his tabby brother? hmm? :) )
We can't choose our family, but it doesn't mean we have to be intimidated or insulted by them. Good luck!
Thanks Peter!
We hardly ever see her and I already don't like her attitude - I'm more upset about the fact she's going to run to Dave's mum and make out that we're adopting some little terror 'thing'.
My friends know that if they're going to be horrible about Ted - they're not welcome in my flat :P People have been slagging his name and I've told them if they don't stop it they're banned from visiting!
She sounds like a sad,lonely jealous person who needs to get a life & agree with others before me,don't let her worry you.It is yours & Daves life that is important & your descion who or what is included in it,luckily for a certain red boy it includes him.She will have two choices won't she,luv em or stay away, MC's do seem to have a way of winning people round though but if she is that rude perhaps you wouldn't want that any way.....x