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Thread: My New Kitten!

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  1. #1
    Über Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Thanked 70 Times in 69 Posts

    Smile My New Kitten!

    I don't want to clutter up other people's threads too much by yacking about Teddy so I thought I'd use this thread to talk about him and if anyone else wants to read it, that's great! But if not I'll probably just yack on anyway...

    Since we managed to correctly determine which kitty he was, we now have some recent photos of him which we know for sure are him (he has a brother who looks very, very similar and we liked Teddy more for his personality than his looks so it was hard to tell from pictures!!)

    So here he is, aged around 7 weeks

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Don't I Look Cute!.jpg   Whose Paw is that Coming to Get Me!.jpg  




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