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27th March 2011, 07:23 AM #1debbie560Guest
What constitutes a GOOD breeder to you..
As most of you are aware of mine and others plights with my cats/kittens from with a "Mainecoon Breeder"
What would you expect as a Kitten buyer and a Breeder your self..
I have written to both of these women.... who have known along about my Kittens at Zech house Tipzntailz Mainecoons..
And pointed out the very obvious.. after they asked questions....
And pointed out the obvious for them.... WHEN THEY DIDN'T... For example... having it pointed out to her that there is not possible was a Blue Silver/white kitten can be bred from a NON silver parent. SHE still argued me and said she had had this before from the same mating.. yet this has now been changed on her website to blue and white.???
Being a good breeder is not about just producing good healthy well reared and well adjusted kittens, its about what happens to them when they go and where they go when you have done all the hard work..
For instance a NEWBIE breeder selling to a NON prefix registered breeder on advice from her Mentor.... ( Thankfully I talked, I hope some sense in to her)
Or giving a kitten to a person you know has a problem in their cattery...
The above NONE of which I WOULD DO.
We have discussed long and hard on this forum and indeed most of us have at some times in our ownership of our wonderful cats had problems..
Be it a pet cat or breeding cats:- Its what you do about it that sorts out the good and bad pet owners/breeders
For a Breeder to say they have not had a problem EVER in their cattery they are not being very truthful.. and so for me not very trustworthy...
Some diseases that have become KNOWN to all pet buyers
It can be something like Chlamydia - Herpes - Calicivirus.. Its just different variations of CAT FLU...which can again be treated with the right antibiotics for the correct length of time..
Or Ringworm again a fungal infection again right treatments etc etc.
Or as you read on here on this forum Guardia and Tritrichomonas treatment is available..
FIP and or Coronovirus.. can be managed if this has had an outbreak in a cattery..
I know several friend in the UK that have had coronovirus... what they did is why they are still breeding today!!
They did with their vets advice, manage the cats, moving them in to smaller breeding colonys, neutering the cats with the highest Titre reading.. and they stopped breeding for a period of a year or more.. THEY are also the first to admit it and happy to give advice to people who contract them about it THIS is what good breeders and breeding is all about...
Bad Breeders..
Slam down the phone... tell you its your problem and say the kitten was healthy when it left.. AND worse when the problem is NOW at the state of an epidemic... CARRY on breeding...
My last thoughts tests......
If a Cattery SAYS it is HCM - PKD etc etc TESTED... ask to see the CERTIFICATES... before you buy a kitten......Last edited by debbie560; 27th March 2011 at 07:29 AM.
The Following User Says Thank You to debbie560 For This Useful Post:
Samantha (30th March 2011)