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Thread: Wander Lust

  1. #1
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Wander Lust

    Hey guys,

    Last night my 9month old maine coon escaped out the kitchen window, I was distraught and looked for him for a few hours but ended up going to bed out of tiredness about 1am. At half 8 this morning he was there when I went out to the back garden.

    I was so happy!! My other cat Winter was not. She is now hissing and growling at him.. I don't understand why, is she scolding him for disappearing?

  2. #2
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    You must have been very worried! Glad he came back safe and sound though.

    Maybe he had been with another cat and that's why Winter was hissing as he didn't smell how he should? Although cats recognise each other visually, if a cat smells different to what they expect then they don't like it!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to WoodsideMaineCoons For This Useful Post:

    Osiris (28th March 2011)

  4. #3
    Ãœber Cat
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    Have you had your 9mos old neutered yet? If not, get used to him taking off. Glad he came back safely!

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to mcguy For This Useful Post:

    Osiris (28th March 2011)

  6. #4
    Ãœber Cat
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    So glad he came back to you!

    We had a cat who went missing after having him for years and he just never came back :(

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to Stacey For This Useful Post:

    Osiris (28th March 2011)

  8. #5
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Yes, I was really worried, he's been neutered and has been outside a little bit under supervision but I didn't expect him to go off for hours! I didnt have a torch so he could have been close by but just ignoring me calling him. He is happy as pie to be home and I believe he was just explaining himself to Winter there now with his wee churps and miaows as she was hissing. I'm going to get a collar for the both of them so they can go out and people know they are owned. I worry that someone will realize his value and scoop him, this is the area I live in... they've even stolen two black bins! :(

  9. #6
    The Quiet Kitten
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    Eeek, that's scary! I'm worried about my Luna doing something like that once summer comes and the patio doors are left open. I don't really want her to go out, and she hasn't shown the slightest inclination to go out, but our two moggies are outdoor cats and spend all their time outside in the summer... I don't really know what to do!

  10. #7
    The Quiet Kitten
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    You were lucky

    I had two 18 months old, Bubbles and Omar. After much deliberation when I got them I decided to let them out. Apparently majority of accidents happen after 8.30pm at night so I brought them in before then. On 20th March Bubbles went to the door at 9pm desperate for the loo I thought and he won't use a tray so I let him out. He didn't come back and when we went looking he had been hit by a car and was dead. I'm devastated and the reason I've joined this forum. I feel so guilty and I miss him so so much. He was beautiful and I loved him very much.

  11. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Osiris View Post
    I didnt have a torch so he could have been close by but just ignoring me calling him.
    It actually can be easier to find missing cats at night than during the day--if you have a big bright flashlight (as we call them). You can simply pan it around and pick up glowing eyes even a couple hundred yards/meters away.

    Cats definitely have different movement patterns than dogs. They tend to walk only fairly short distances at a time and then sit to listen/watch for significant periods. Over a day they may cover a wide area, but if they are have been out only 15 minutes or so they are quite likely to still be in your yard or a neighbors. They rarely will come when called if they are outside, however.

    Last year I accidentally let three of our MCs go in the garage during the evening without realizing one of the doors was wide open. Luckily only about 15 minutes elapsed before I checked on them and saw the open door. Two of them hadn't even left the garage (the two not used to going outside). The one that is used to going outside with me on a leash had left the garage, but since I knew where she liked to go, I figured I would be able to find her. Sure enough, shined the flashlight into one neighbor's yard and called her, and there was a pair of cat eyes right outside our yard, just sitting and taking in the evening. The first time she got out was the scariest, as she was frightened and hid, and we couldn't find her for an hour (during which we kept expanding the search area outward from the house). Turned out she was literally 10 feet from the house. She eventually made a sound when somebody was nearby and they called her name. I have not forgotten that incident however!

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigfella View Post
    I had two 18 months old, Bubbles and Omar. After much deliberation when I got them I decided to let them out. Apparently majority of accidents happen after 8.30pm at night so I brought them in before then. On 20th March Bubbles went to the door at 9pm desperate for the loo I thought and he won't use a tray so I let him out. He didn't come back and when we went looking he had been hit by a car and was dead. I'm devastated and the reason I've joined this forum. I feel so guilty and I miss him so so much. He was beautiful and I loved him very much.
    I really feel for you, its always devastating to loose a beloved animal whatever the cause, but particularly tragic when its due to something like you have experienced. I used to keep cats, just moggies, about 20 years ago and stopped because I couldn't bear to loose another one in that way. It didn't seem to make any difference how old they were or what the time was, one by one they all went. The two fluffies that have come to live with us now are destined to be house cats, with no chances taken, it really was the only way that I could have had them. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this.

  13. #10
    Elite Cat
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    I have a lockable storage room, and an output to the aviary, in the summer when the windows were open and we are sitting in the garden, shut the cats in the utility room so that they can freely enjoy the fresh air, and I do not have to worry about my cats.


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