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  1. #1
    Active Cat
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Thanked 14 Times in 14 Posts

    Help my kitten is terrorizing me!

    Well not really! He has however, developed a horrible habit which I am having problems discouraging. Noah has always been the rougher of the two. Tends to have his claws out and play bites - all of which we have been disapproving of. However he has started to leap at my back, aiming for my shoulder or if I am bent over clearing cat trays or some such actually landing on my back. This is all done with claws out, so you can imagine the pain as he scrabbles to hold on or climb further up my back - ouch! I'm recognizing the glint in his eye when he's preparing to jump, and can stop him in his tracks - but I can't always forestall
    him and its very difficult to find an appropriate aversion technique. It was sort of amusing at first but my back is now covered in scratches, so the humor is rapidly fading!




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