Help my kitten is terrorizing me!
Well not really! He has however, developed a horrible habit which I am having problems discouraging. Noah has always been the rougher of the two. Tends to have his claws out and play bites - all of which we have been disapproving of. However he has started to leap at my back, aiming for my shoulder or if I am bent over clearing cat trays or some such actually landing on my back. This is all done with claws out, so you can imagine the pain as he scrabbles to hold on or climb further up my back - ouch! I'm recognizing the glint in his eye when he's preparing to jump, and can stop him in his tracks - but I can't always forestall
him and its very difficult to find an appropriate aversion technique. It was sort of amusing at first but my back is now covered in scratches, so the humor is rapidly fading!
Help my kitten is terrozing me
Like Halycon's RIP I have one who likes to have a piggy back ride but luckily although he is nearly 10kg he doesn't put his claws out,never has,I very often end up doing the housework looking like Ive got a hunched back ,he started off by jumping onto the OH when he cleaned the trays & it progressed from there but his brother is another story,no finesse,everything he does is at full pelt & when he saw bruv having fun wanted to join in & he did use claws,luckily I never had the pleasure but I would go with hubby when he emptied the trays & when he jumped on all claws out hubby would say a firm no & I would quickly lift him off also with a no after several times by just saying no as he looked like he was going to jump,plus having my water spray bottle {which I have always had success with if just no's don't work}at the ready he soon gave up on the idea all together,whenever he stopped of his own accord when no was said he was then told he was a good boy & he had lone special playtime with a favourite toy which made the no go area much more agreeable to him,now he never bothers & we just have the one freeloader....!
Help my kitten is terrozing me
We used timeout to good effect with our first maine coon who was a retired breeding queen ,so much so that when she had done wrong she would put herself into her room,the second & third additons didn't really need any of that,they learnt quick,although no two did have a few squirts when no four arrived & he wasn't amused,number four was so up his own backside with attitude that time out to him just meant enjoying a quiet lay in until the door opened up for him to take up again where he had left off so water spray had more effect although was not overused,with the arrival of five & six both together while you were trying to say a firm no to one the other was getting up to the same mischief only worse, time out got you nowhere they just carried on playing wherever you put them,try parting them when they got back together they would be worse,raising your voice to one upset the others plus seemed to wind the other brother more but a quick squirt of water along with no worked very quick & easy,I have sprays all round the house & if things start winding up & getting out of hand just picking up a spray bottle nine times out of ten works with no voice needed,calm reigns ,if things are getting a really OTT then a quick squirt at the main offender stops them in their tracks,peace yet again,whenever bottle is picked up though as soon as they behave they are told how good they are & we have cuddles & kisses,most probaly though if we hadn't got such a crew water bottle would not have come into play....!
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Help my kitten is terrozing me
See what I mean about attitude,turned round & as large as life there he is laying where he knows he shouldn't,haven't seen him on there for years,spot the nearest bottle as well.
Reaching for it after I took proof did move him on pretty quick....!