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  1. #6
    Elite Cat
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Fleet, Hampshire UK
    Thanked 32 Times in 29 Posts
    Yay for smokes!! She's stunning :-)

    Well I've just added a new chap, but I didn't do the whole separate thing. Moshi was *very* shy when I got her, but Moto was such a laid back dude, I thought I'd give it a go straight away.

    There was some hissing and grumbling for a couple of days from Moshi, but Moto just looked at her as though he was saying "what are you moaning about" lol.

    Now, two weeks later, they share food (when I let them!), she washes him when he's asleep and I haven't heard a grumble for over a week now. He just made himself comfortable and she just dealt with it.

    I guess what I'm saying is that it's about their personalities. I knew Moshi would be skittish, but I knew he would handle it. It took her a week to get back to being herself, especially with me. She's a snuggler in bed and only did that again a week after.

    Play it by ear. If you think Sookie is "calm", then maybe just try them together and see what happens. If she's not, then bit by bit might be best.

    They'll get there, whichever way, so hang in there :-)





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