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  1. #7
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanked 6 Times in 5 Posts
    Thanks for all the replies!

    Well it has been 3 day now. And they are having more time together. The spend alot of time chasing eachother. Sookie is very outgoing and you'd think she'd lived here forever. She just wants to play wih Sam.

    He is getting better and when they chase he does that little meow/chirp thing that they do when you come home and say hello. So a friendly noise. They just get a bit overexcited and he has bitten her tail once. Not that dhe notices. And sometimes he will clonk her round the head with his paw. Naughty boy.

    But he is still young and playful and hopefully they will soon be snuggling!

    Hopefully the chasing and pouncing wil calm down a bit. But there has been no hissing which is good.

    I'll keep you updated!

    Lau, Sam and Sook!
    Laura, Sam and Sookie!




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