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  1. #1
    Ãœber Cat
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    First cat show - what a disappointment!

    So, last week I managed to convince the other half that it would be a lovely day out to visit a cat show and have a mooch around.

    Had a look on the internet and found out there was a F/B cat show taking place on Sunday in Salisbury - about 40 miles from us, so not too far if we found out it wasn't really our thing.

    So we get up early Sunday morning, made ourselves a little picnic (how sad!) and trundled off to Salisbury.

    Some 50 or so minutes later we pull into the car park of what can only be described as a really desolate leisure centre. Only two cars in the car park and I think they belonged to the staff. OH looks at me in disdain, still we soldier on, me being positive thinking that maybe there were so many exhibitors they had been asked to park elsewhere

    Alas no! Unfortunately the cat show had been cancelled a few days previously but there was nothing on the cat club's website or on the event page on Facebook. There was a post on the Felis Britannica facebook page but I didn't know of the page's existence until later that evening!

    Fast forward to the two of us sitting in an empty leisure centre car park at 10 am on a Sunday morning, supping a cup of tea, eating a sausage roll and watching the tumbleweed drift past. It really was quite comical to be honest, especially when himself ponders for a minute, looks at me with his cup of tea in hand, and says deadpan ... "a couple of years ago I used to spend my weekends crowdsurfing at heavy metal concerts"!!!

    Oh what these Maine Coons do to change your life!

    Lesson learned - always call the venue before leaving to check that the show still goes on!

  2. #2
    Elite Cat
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    Sorry you had a wasted journey I only knew it was cancelled because I saw a post on Facebook from Anna (Catplanet) who was due to take photos for her magazine.

    I don't know the circumstances but it must have been pretty dire to be cancelling a show at that late stage.

    Hopefully your OH will be willing to try again on another occasion! Its a shame you're not local to me because I'd be more than happy to meet you both and give you the run down of how things work. Sometimes I think you need a degree just to understand the catalogue

    I'm visiting the East Sussex Show in Maidstone this Saturday, and there are also shows in Essex and a TICA show at Bristol, although it doesn't sound like any of those would be 'local'. Hope you have been luck next time!

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Wendy1969 For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (6th April 2011)

  4. #3
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    First cat show what a disappointment

    What a shame Rachel,it was cancelled because of lack of entries & because the show manager can not apply for dispensation for a show to run with less entries than layed down until the week before the show by the time the answer is received it leaves them with very short notice if they do have to cancel,the unfortunate thing is I think it is the only one that has been a no go for that reason but backs up what some of us have been saying for quite a while,the FB site should be kept right up to date to keep everyone informed,if you can put a comment on facebook to say what happened to you it could help,they keep asking how to get more people interested in showing & this type of thing doesn't give you any encouragement.We were not attending that one,too far for us to travel,we will do up to three hours at a push but four was too much,do hope you will try & go along to another one if you have a chance,we will be at Deeping but I think that drive would be a bit OTT for you.As you say MC's do change your life style,would love to have seen you both enjoying your picnic in the car park,any show that you make you can join in with our picnic too....x

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to jckkerrison For This Useful Post:

    Rachel-C (6th April 2011)

  6. #4
    Ãœber Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by elismom View Post
    Good advice. At least you didn't have Chewie and Princess Poopy-Pants with you all traumatized by bathing and primping for a show!
    LOL, thank goodness!

  7. #5
    Ãœber Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by jckkerrison View Post
    What a shame Rachel,it was cancelled because of lack of entries & because the show manager can not apply for dispensation for a show to run with less entries than layed down until the week before the show by the time the answer is received it leaves them with very short notice if they do have to cancel,the unfortunate thing is I think it is the only one that has been a no go for that reason but backs up what some of us have been saying for quite a while,the FB site should be kept right up to date to keep everyone informed,if you can put a comment on facebook to say what happened to you it could help,they keep asking how to get more people interested in showing & this type of thing doesn't give you any encouragement.We were not attending that one,too far for us to travel,we will do up to three hours at a push but four was too much,do hope you will try & go along to another one if you have a chance,we will be at Deeping but I think that drive would be a bit OTT for you.As you say MC's do change your life style,would love to have seen you both enjoying your picnic in the car park,any show that you make you can join in with our picnic too....x
    I've joined the F/B group on Facebook now so will post something accordingly - thanks Jackie. I did look at the show in Deeping but we'll be in Fuerteventura that week so probably a bit too far! I'm working on trying to convince Nige to attend the Coontica show in Milton Keynes on the Royal Wedding bank holiday weekend so watch this space

  8. #6
    Elite Cat
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    oh poor you... I'm famous (in our family) for turning up on the wrong day for things. But its a bit naff to cancel and not post that it has been. I love metal too but I have found out the hard way that playing music really loud on the way to a show does sort of freak out the furries! I haven't been to a gig in years now... oh well have to be satisfied with good old cds, my lovely car and max volumn.

  9. #7
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    Oops but I have to admit I have taken my eldest to school only to find out it was closed for teacher training................more than once too

    If I get the day right I normally get the time wrong!

  10. #8
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    First cat show what a disappointment

    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel-C View Post
    I've joined the F/B group on Facebook now so will post something accordingly - thanks Jackie. I did look at the show in Deeping but we'll be in Fuerteventura that week so probably a bit too far! I'm working on trying to convince Nige to attend the Coontica show in Milton Keynes on the Royal Wedding bank holiday weekend so watch this space
    Yep,does certainly rule out Deeping doesn't it,I know of the two where I would like to be can just imagine you on a sun lounger with long cool drink close to hand.
    The "Coontica" at MK is the only Tica show I done,good fun but Merlyn objected to going in & out of so many cages in one day & he wasn't happy so done no more & I know of these two now it isn't really any good,Shimba wouldn't come out of one pen without a big fight let alone two + & Welly bless him who would love it isn't the best looking show cat so we are grounded but never mind out of all the show bodies I do find the FB the most relaxing which does suit us oldies....!
    Who knows if you get the bug might catch up with you at the FB show MK next January.

  11. #9
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    Maybe it'd be handy if I added a Cat Shows section so we can let each other know whats upcoming and more importantly if anythings been cancelled.

  12. #10
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    First cat show what a disappointment

    That could be a very good idea Dave...


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