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Thread: Simba's trip to Groomer
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6th April 2011, 08:12 PM #1
Simba's trip to Groomer
Simba went to the groomer today - I have been unable to keep up with his ever growing thick coat and it was beginning to get matted. I have never gotten him used to being brushed and as soon as I start he rolls over onto his back and starts to attack the brush - so today I took him to a groomer in defeat. I picked him up an hour and half later and what a lovely surprise. Simba had been groomed thorougly, all the mats had gone and she had given him a bath (he smelt wonderful) and clipped his claws! She said he was a very sweet natured cat!!! and very handsome (I had to make sure I had the right one). I told the lady I've no idea how she did it and explained what a nightmare he is with me, thinking she must think me useless but she said they are often better away from their owners. Anyway he looks so happy to be home and he must feel much better too, his coat looks lovely and I can't stop picking him up to smell him. Will definately be going back to her. Oh and I need a good cat carrier if this is going to be a regular thing - but I'll start another thread.