However many you bring home it is always as exciting as the first time but I found I went a bit flat for a time,suddenly the little person you have waited for so long is sitting in front of you & you want all these great moments to start happening & they don't,what an idiot to think that the minute that little furry comes through the door you are going to get full on effects....
It only lasts for a very short while but then it seems to get sadder {not in the nasty sense of the word}because everytime it moves youre "Oh look what hes just done"walked across the room & tapped at one of his furry toys,oh he must be feeling at home & it gets sadder & sadder right down to the joy you feel when he uses his big boys toilet for the first time,but oh how I luv it & before too long you are sucked right in,another bundle of fur wins you over & you could cry.....
If you are going for a Father Ted will be interesting to find out{eventually}what differences you find between male & female,it was awful when we lost China from out of the group & Pansy seems to have gone quiter since then but I do love the busy,busy days the girls have compared to the boys....x