I'm the same, I can't stand it! The only feet I have liked to date are Sooty's, he had beautiful paws with his pads underneath half pink and half black, and they were always clean! :)
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Just had a thought Stacey,after tonight I will be away for a week so don't think I am not interested in Teddy's arrival,will catch up with all on return..x
If Teddy goes anywhere near my toes, I'll go crazy!!
Don't worry about it Jackie :) I'm sure there'll be lots of photos to catch up with!
The way I clip is irregularly and when the "victim" is sleeping. With the new arrivals I have only taken off the very sharp point and not even gone half way to the quick - just to stop my skin being punctured while they learn "love" :) Leo hasn't quite got the hang of it and will lie on my chest on the bed, strech his front paws onto my neck and gently flex his claws. Sweetie.
Roxy is the 'kneeder' in our house.........on my lap!!! She zones off as she is doing it!!
My midwife thought it was sooo funny when I was in labour as all I was trying to explain was I have a cat I don't self harm honestly!!!!! My thighs are normally covered in small holes and scratches and combined with the bath scars i just had to explain!!
NCarver: It's not that I disliked her as such - she's probably a really clever lady but she can't teach at all. She is American and I normally like my American lecturers (I've had a few as I tend to stick to American history modules) as they tend to be pretty loud and clear :P The problem was she basically read the lectures off a piece of paper and that's really difficult to follow. It would have been manageable if she used powerpoint for something other than pictures! *sigh*
i actually like the sorts of exams where you have to deal with a problem/question on the spot - I feel that some exams are basically memorising tasks and that it's not a very good way to judge how well we've actually engaged with the material. Lots of my friends just learn off loads of facts but never actually think about how they're going to use them in an essay so when they get an unexpected question in an exam they freak out and just write whatever they were going to write in the first place, regardless of the question.
My boyfriend studies aero engineering but he messes around with computers as a hobby. I don't really understand but he has lots of pieces of paper stuck to his wall with his weird computer language things :/
Yes, I'm a true History student and technology sometimes scares me!
Computers are fun. Programming can be fun. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have this new fangled internot thingy. It was built on the back of nerds who enjoyed playing and tinkering.
To distract from the electronic tech though, try Self-Repair Manifesto - iFixit - trying to distract you while you wait :)
I just clip Rasputin when he sleeps on / near me and haven't had any big problems... I also try and play with his paws and flex the claws when I'm not clipping them so he's reasonably chilled about the whole thing!