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18th May 2011, 09:00 AM #11
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However many you bring home it is always as exciting as the first time but I found I went a bit flat for a time,suddenly the little person you have waited for so long is sitting in front of you & you want all these great moments to start happening & they don't,what an idiot to think that the minute that little furry comes through the door you are going to get full on effects....
It only lasts for a very short while but then it seems to get sadder {not in the nasty sense of the word}because everytime it moves youre "Oh look what hes just done"walked across the room & tapped at one of his furry toys,oh he must be feeling at home & it gets sadder & sadder right down to the joy you feel when he uses his big boys toilet for the first time,but oh how I luv it & before too long you are sucked right in,another bundle of fur wins you over & you could cry.....
If you are going for a Father Ted will be interesting to find out{eventually}what differences you find between male & female,it was awful when we lost China from out of the group & Pansy seems to have gone quiter since then but I do love the busy,busy days the girls have compared to the boys....x
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Stacey (18th May 2011)
18th May 2011, 09:05 AM #12
My recomended toy is a catit senses set up!
Our two love their play curcuit, Hector has been known to sleep cuddling it. I am going to get them the speed curcuit soon along with the food maze.
Good luck for your last exam and happy packing!!!!! Just remember which box the important things are in - kettle and mugs or wine and glass -
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Stacey (18th May 2011)
18th May 2011, 01:30 PM #13
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Here are some photos of Dave's idea of preparation for Teddy:
As you can see, he already has some furry friends!
Thanks for all the tips for toys! We'll definitely look into thoseTeddy's very inquisitive so I'll need plenty of things to distract him from ruining things/injuring himself!
Dave's parents are coming to meet him on Sunday. That will be interesting! They're bringing the guide dog puppy they currently have (she's 10 months) but I think it'll be okay as Teddy has grown up with two dogs of the same breed so I don't think he'll be scared and the puppy has been trained not to be as crazy as most dogs her age!
Heading out to my exam in an hour. I'm so sick of having them now that I feel I've sort of given up and just want to finish!
We're not going to have four for quite some time! I've been thinking maybe Dougall is more of a dog's name? It reminds me of the Magic Roundabout.
18th May 2011, 08:17 PM #14
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You must be fit to burst with excitement! I know I was... This was (and is) Rasputin's favourite toy Jungle Feather Teaser Cat Toy by Jolly Moggy | Pets at Home
I would also recommend nail clippers as he had sharp little claws when he arrived, it made such a difference when I clipped them a week later
18th May 2011, 09:53 PM #15
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18th May 2011, 11:21 PM #16
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My breeder always gets the babes used to having their nails clipped so hopefully if yours is the same it is just a case of carrying on the good work.They grow pretty quickly
anyway so you will soon be able to get practice in,turn babe upside down & sit him on your lap so his back is against your tum,get a little paw & just squeeze the pad gently at the base of the nail & it will extend the nail & you just clip off the little hook part.I have always played with the feet of all my animals so they are used to you handling them without cutting the nails,that way they are not so inclined to try & pull away from you,always make it fun,we used to play this little piggy goes to market,very sad,its also like grooming time,a bit of one to one when you can kiss around their little ears & tell them lovely things,I know getting sadder but when you have 10kg plus to clip nails on you need them to luv you doing it,don't treat it as a chore,make it you & Teddy time...x
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Stacey (19th May 2011)
19th May 2011, 01:23 AM #17
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19th May 2011, 09:24 AM #18
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Now that is where NCarver & I differ, I find nail clipping a lot easier on my own,you are looking down on a foot at a time & know exactly how the cat is responding,if it feels ready to explode you can stop right away,no having to tell someone else to hold back,if you feel they are getting upset then you can have extra cuddle time & calm them down & off you go again,like grooming never give up on a negative, I have found with a lot of things that you do with a cat the more people involved seems to make them feel threatened & perhaps want to fight against it more,I very often sit outside on the wall if it is a nice day & do the clipping round,they are all so well behaved that it only takes a few minutes to do the lot,plus of course the cuddles & tummy tickles thrown in. When we were showing full time it used to be a monthly nail clip but still tend to do them every 6 weeks anyway but in between I just keep a playing & ticklng them there feet & lets face it how many MC's out there don't like having their little tuffted feet kissed & blown on while being told they are beautiful.
While on feet we have one who is a human foot licker,Merl,he wraps his tounge right round your toes,which I hate can't bear anyone round my feet but one day mum was lucky enough to be extended this hospitality,don't know who was in raptures more,the cat for being allowed to do it or mum being on the receiving end ...!
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Stacey (19th May 2011)
19th May 2011, 10:37 AM #19
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What do you teach? This exam was for a kind of 'outside' course as it was from the department of Economic and Social History rather than History. The differences in the structure of the course, the standard of teaching and the assessment were very obvious. It seemed that a lot of people who didn't get onto the History honours course decided to take the ESH option instead. The exam seemed a lot easier than my History ones - although maybe I just thought that because the course was nowhere near as indepth! The seminars were rubbish - she would make the whole class sit and listen to four or five people basically read out 'presentations'. If we did that in our History courses we'd get no marks! There was no interesting discussion at all. Boo! So I skipped out of the exam because the questions ended up being exactly what I expected and the answers didn't seem to involve much thinking. Also because I'm so glad I never have to think about that course again! /rant
We'll try both clipping methods and see how we gothanks for the advice guys!
19th May 2011, 11:14 AM #20