I'm so EXCITED!!
Okay so FINALLY we have a 'coming home' date for Teddy. I phoned the breeder last night to tell her and she said there would still be two other kittens there when we picked him up so he won't be without company :) apparently he's tried to go home with everyone...he keeps getting in the carriers people bring for their new kittens!
So he's coming home in 13 days - the 21st of May. We move the day before and my exams finish on the 18th so it'll be all go! We're going in the morning as Felicity says that'll give him more time to settle in before bed.
I'm unbelievable excited and kind of scared at the same time so you'll all need to give me your advice and tips!
Is there anything (other than the obvious) I should do to make it all go as smoothly as possible?
Thanks in advance!
Ten days!
We went to the vets today and booked his first appointment :)
I actually almost feel that I'm expecting a baby or something and I'm freaking out at the thought of leaving him alone even for one second. Felicity told us he gets confused if he ends up in a room with no people in it...hehe!
Oh bless you thought you were bringing home a kitten when you are really bringing home a social butterfly!!!! Don't worry too much about leaving teddy as he will use his time to explore his new home and to find all sorts of hiding places!
Have you got a chart on the wall to cross off the days yet lol xx
This is like waiting for the day of that "Big"holiday to start isn't it,you think you have everything sorted then panic mode hits,what if you have forgotten something,whats the worry as long as you have the basics the rest you can get the next day,just don't let him have the run of the place the first day or he will expect it all the while...
That is the one thing I like about this forum you can get excited alongside everyone & their furries,lots of pictures of his arrival please...x
Aww really excited for you! Plenty of pics please! lol
Thanks guys! Don't worry there will be plenty of photos and videos!
Jackie, you're exactly right! Although our flat is pretty small and he'll probably have the run of it apart from the bathroom any way! There are plenty of hiding spots for him :)
Another gorgeous red kitten, I'm sure he is going to bring you so much love and fun.
Three days to go! I've got my last exam tomorrow afternoon and then I have to rush home and pack like crazy!
How did you guys all feel when you prepared to bring your first (or in the case of many of you; second, third, fourth...) MC home?
We've got his carrier and litter try (both of which seem huge to me but I've not seen him since the end of March so I think his size will surprise me!) along with a scratching post and some toys. I'm going to get his food, litter, bed and some other toys on Friday from the pet shop right beside our new flat. I've been in to check they have everything already but it would be stupid to buy it before moving and having to lug it back to the new flat from our old flats.
I've decided I want another boy next and he's to be called Dougall...we'll have a little Father Ted family (I am Irish, after all!)
Ahh, your going to have 4 in total then, 3 boys and one girl if I remember my cast list from father Ted!!
Very exciting bringing home the new kitty, we pick up number 5 next week.
We now have it down to a fine art for pre-arrival check lists.(As well as kitten hand-me downs from previous arrivals)
The big day is always great fun and dont worry if you forget something.
Dont forget the photos!!
From experience it'll be play play play play play sleeeeeeeeeeeeep play play play play play sleeeeeeeeeeep in roughly a 1 hour play + 3 hours sleep cycle. Mine didn't get a human body clock for a few weeks, so be prepared for noises at night.
Recommended extras:
Combat Cat Tunnel - £ 9.25 - Activity Centres & Toys - Cat Products - Ancol - Chemist Direct
Great deals on cat toys and accessories at zooplus: Trixie Cat Activity Fun Board
and "crack" for cats (for use with the second link above):
Ocado: Thrive Real White Fish Cat Treats (Product Information) (small teeth can only suck on these, but it's soooo cute)
I hope you have a wonderful time with your new boy (and new home too).
Remember, pictures - or it didn't happen.
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