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Thread: I'm so EXCITED!!

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  1. #1
    Über Cat
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    I'm so EXCITED!!

    Okay so FINALLY we have a 'coming home' date for Teddy. I phoned the breeder last night to tell her and she said there would still be two other kittens there when we picked him up so he won't be without company apparently he's tried to go home with everyone...he keeps getting in the carriers people bring for their new kittens!

    So he's coming home in 13 days - the 21st of May. We move the day before and my exams finish on the 18th so it'll be all go! We're going in the morning as Felicity says that'll give him more time to settle in before bed.

    I'm unbelievable excited and kind of scared at the same time so you'll all need to give me your advice and tips!

    Is there anything (other than the obvious) I should do to make it all go as smoothly as possible?

    Thanks in advance!




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