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  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Thumbs down Problems Leaving Bungo overnight

    So for the first time ever little Bungo was at home overnight without me & my partner staying with him. I left quite late yesterday evening so he was only alone from 10pm till 7am.

    Usually he will follow me & my partner to bed. Although he doesn’t sleep with us all night (I put him in his bed on the landing when I’m ready to sleep and shut out door) He knows we are there and is sure to start calling for us when we are due to get up. It’s amazing how they know these things really he wakes up at 5:30 when my partner is due up, and then again at around 7:30 when I get up, he’s like a personal alarm clock!

    I left our bedroom door open so that he didn’t think we were just hiding from him and shutting him out and so he could roam around if he wanted, however when I got back this morning it turns out he had decided to use our bed as a toilet and went for a very (sorry TMI) soggy poo and a wee too.

    He has never done anything like this before. I have stayed away overnight before, but I have taken him with me. It was too much hassle to do so this time and I didn’t want to cause him un-necessary stress for the sake of a few hours. When I’ve taken him to other places he’s always still gone to the toilet in the right place and never had any accidents.

    Do you think this was some kind of protest? I’m really worried in case this becomes a re-occurring issue where we can’t leave him in the house if we have to stay away (for example got a night coming up in June where we are away for a wedding) Any advice would be appreciated!




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