I have the covered litter tray in the bathroom, I just thought it would be good to keep all toilet smells in one place, plus my bathroom floor is tiled - good for cleaning. My two boys share one toilet and I've had no problems with that at all - they've learnt to queue and they seem to wait until I need to go, so we all go together!!
Their food is on the kitchen floor and I've completely lost the kitchen counter top battle. They have the run of the kitchen including jumping up on top of the high wall units from the counters. I just use a system of wooden and plastic cutting boards that I get out of the cupboard when I prepare human food. I did try, but they beat me - the last straw was when I read the tip about kitchen foil. I spread it all out on to the counters and went to watch some TV, when I came back, they were both lying on it and licking the corners!!
We have both the girls' and boys' food downstairs in the kitchen. The girls are too young to go outside like the boys do for the toilet, so I have one of the igloo-type litter trays in my bedroom under a dressing table so it's quite private for them.
We have the Zooplus jumbo litter tray in the utility room and the food in the kitchen. We don't have the jumping on the kitchen counter top problem, mainly because I think Moofie is too lazy! He has been scooted off the kitchen table many times and now only gets on it when nobody is around. Therefore I cover the table with a plastic cloth when I am not around to pounce on him! The girl's call the kitchen his 'boudoir' now because he sleeps in there at night and has his litter tray in the utility room like an en-suite lol!
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