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  • 1 Post By WoodsideMaineCoons
  • 1 Post By Rachel-C
  • 1 Post By Rachel-C

Thread: Two more weeks and counting to the new arrivals from Corrigan and Mimi!!! x Jet li

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Guest Two more weeks and counting... 17th May 2011, 07:34 AM
WoodsideMaineCoons So exciting - will be... 17th May 2011, 07:57 AM
Guest Corrigan is named after the... 17th May 2011, 10:46 AM
Rachel-C As well as Judicial names,... 18th May 2011, 02:37 PM
Guest These are Brilliant Rachel!!!... 18th May 2011, 03:27 PM
Rachel-C If you need any more let me... 18th May 2011, 03:31 PM
  1. #1

    Lightbulb Two more weeks and counting to the new arrivals from Corrigan and Mimi!!! x Jet li

    We need the forums help... for some first time names....

    So get your thinking caps on, I have given you plenty of notice... has to be Judicial names.. and funny........ to suit boys and Girls....

    I have a few in my head, but unless they have both swallowed a football.... then I am not going to have enough names to go around!!

    We have put my breeding plans on hold really to ensure that these two girls get a chance to be come mums... Mimi because of her age and Corrigan because of the shock she had with her babies before....




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