My cats (including Edward) went out on Thursday night as is their norm......I went down to see if they were about before I went to bed, as is my norm and none were about so off to bed I went. Friday morning I heard Elvis outside so I opened the door, Elvis skipped in and Edward fell over....he got himself over the doorstep and right away I saw something was terribly wrong, he was unkempt, covered in twigs and leaves and dragging his right back leg behind him, so I scooped him up and took him upstairs......couldn't feel any obvious fractures but his back claws were scuffed and broken so I thought "RTA", phoned my vet and because my car was in the garage he came and picked us up. Andy xrayed him immediately and couldn't see any fractures so we examined him again, found a wound on the left of his flank, thought he'd been shot but no pellets showed up on the xray, found another bigger wound on the right hand side and came to the conclusion that he'd been attacked by a dog, which had sunk its teeth into Ed's back.........we dripped Ed up for the shock and GA'd him so Andy could check for nerve damage/spinal spinal damage but severe nerve damage so he stayed at my work all day, I took him home so I could nurse and medicate (Vetergesic, Metacam and antibiotics) him over the weekend. We had a very quiet weekend, tho lots of concerned visitors came to see him, phone calls, Facebook messages, the whole caboodle. Took him back to see Andy on Monday morning, still dragging his leg, not using it at all but he does have some deep pain sensation when Andy pinched his toes, growling and trying to get his leg away, so hopefully he's on the right road and he regains full use of the leg otherwise he'll become part of the exclusive Tripod Group we have at work.....