Filled it in but had to leave a couple blank as I don't have a dog and don't use flea treatments unless the cats have fleas, which they haven't had yet and is rather unlikely.
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Filled it in but had to leave a couple blank as I don't have a dog and don't use flea treatments unless the cats have fleas, which they haven't had yet and is rather unlikely.
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Originally Posted by 00
Don't be too sure of that,my animals are de-flead regualry & only a couple of years ago I had a flea infestation.At that point none had been shown for 6 months & hadn't been to a cattery for even longer so the only way a flea could have got into the house was by being carried on a human,there was no other challenge to the cats at all & it was a nightmare,more so when you spend a fortune on products to prevent it,mine were even having the double wammy where the flea is supposed to be put on the pill as well.....!
Yes I agree, the flea treatment is to prevent fleas. Don't wait until you actually have fleas, not only is it a nightmare but it is a lot more expensive and inconvenient to get rid of once you've got it. You can get Frontline a bit cheaper from a pharmacy or from an online store like pet remedies.
jckkerrison has just proven why I don't use flea treatment, I did a lot of research on it before I chose not use regular flea treatments, I also spoke to breeders etc. Using frontline or any other brands (the money is no issue) doesn't actually prevent an infestation in the house as they can be carried in by humans, in my eyes its just putting chemicals on them for no reason.
urgh flea season again!! I know far too much about this subject thanks to 'helpful' reps and have seen way too many enlarged pictures of the things!!!
Thankfully I have not had to de flea the house yet but when I do I know how to do it and with a quick phone call how many cans of spray I will need if I say what the sq footage of the house is, at least my chosen product does not smell too bad when I send the things to RIP (product placement there lol).
Oh, I thought the whole point of flea treatments like Frontline was that even if they do get a flea, by any means, the treatment renders the flea infertile and / or kills the flea, and so breaks the flea's life cycle and stops an infestation.
Yep that is the intention but although spray had worked fine for my lot for some reason when they were changed onto the pipette combo it all went to pot,I have always de flead all my animals & will continue to do so,just a nasty shock when you think you are covered & something like that happens.The product we are using now is fine & it doesn't smell which is a bonus so instead of treating one & hunt the others they all just remain where they are.Two of my cats had to go to work for calm the irritation down & I have seen lots of bad effects of animals who haven't be treated so would never intentionally put my animals in that situation but that episode was a very harrowing & expensive time through no fault of our own & being talked too like an idiot from the company didn't help either....
So sorry Internuk have hi jacked your thread,strayed off path a bit...x