We had a red tabby where I used to work named Riley because he "Lived the Life of Riley"
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We had a red tabby where I used to work named Riley because he "Lived the Life of Riley"
He has been named. ..... its Buddy so thanks to MickB for the suggestion. It suits him and he responds to it everytime.
Buddy is sweet :) I hope you really enjoy your time with him! I'm sure he'll be a hoot!
I love the name Buddy. Great choice!!
Aww Rosemary Paris is gorg. My mc is now officially Buddy due to his never leaving my side and his obsession with cotton buds (q tips).
I'm glad I'm not the only one who names things, my hoover has been known as Nunu ever since the Teletubbies, and when I could drive I always named my cars. Hee hee I am sane after all!
Only problem I have now is too many names and not enough cats, I have a feeling there will be another mc in the house soon. I think they are addictive. The more I get to know Buddy the more head over heels in love I fall with him. Eeeeek just realised its 2am and I have been onhee 12 hours looking at pics and rading posts. Think I better see if Buddy has left me any room in the bed.
You've just made my day, i'm sure you and Buddy will have great times together!
Of course you must get another, in my experience no 2 Coonies are the same. I have 10 (soon to be 11 in just over a week..yay :) ) and I can recognise each and every one just by their voices.
They obviously all share the general Maine Coon traits, but each one has it's own HUGE personality. I never was a big cat lover until we got a Maine Coon and now...well lets just say i probably annoy a lot of people by talking about them all the time. :)
You have 10 (nearly 11) MCs????
Surely you have just smashed the Forum's known record of 6!!
Are you a breeder, or just a helpless addict? (not that anyone on here would blame you, of course!)
I have 2 and we are itching to get another. I am sure we are already a pair of MC bores, imagine what we would be like if we had 10!
11 MCs....I'm impressed...and a little envious! Point me towards lots of lovely pictures of your gang xxx
Hi HowlinBob,
Here you go Milomaine, Maine Coon Cats in Cornwall.. Plenty of photos on there for you
I am a helpless addict AND a hobby breeder with 5 neuters (2 girls, 3 boys) 2 stud boys and 3 adorable Queens. Number 11 next week is an odd-eyed pure white one.
I seem to spend most of my waking hours emptying litter trays, tripping over cat toys, and hunting for various items that have mysteriously dissapeared but you know what...I wouldn't have it any other way :D
Thanks MickB not only do you name my cat but you ruin my plans for an early night on your website lol. I LOVE the video of the floor to ceiling scratching post and I keep looking at my mule post now =]. When I was with my ex we had 9 cats, all moggys, which rose to 21 with kittens at one point so seeing how much fur they produced together equals one coonie. ..... how do you keep on top of the fur?
My Buddy was bred in Cornwall, when I can stop watching your babies on the post and playing football I will look for exactly where and breder. Talking of football, you will have your own team soon xxx
Edited to add: got youtube clips on the tv now and Buddy keeps trying to hit the ball bless him.