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  1. #1
    Happy Kitten
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post

    Funny eating habit suddenly started!

    Hello everyone

    Over the last week or so our little trouble maker Bungo (who is now 5 months!!) has decided that he won't eat unless someone stands over and watches him. Even when we do watch he easily gets distracted and you have to put him in front of his bowl and tell him to eat! Does this happen to anyone else?

    I'm not overly worried but he isn't eating as much as he was previously, if we didn't stand over him he would hardly eat at all!! although he doesn't seem bothered and is growing nicely and very energetic still.

    I should mention that this new habit seems to have appeared around the same time we have had to shut him downstairs at night.....he would wake us up at least 2 times a night crying, and was getting worse so it was our only option to get a decent nights sleep.

    I'm going to change his food to see if thats the problem, does anyone have any other ideas or is this just how it's going to be from now?


    Becky x




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