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Thread: Does your cat play fetch

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Carmichael, California, United States
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    Does your cat play fetch

    When Samantha was young she loved to play fetch, I'd be watching TV sitting in my chair and she'd bring one of the cat nip rattle mice over and drop it in front of me, this was to let me know she wanted to play mouse ball, I'd throw it across the room and she'd bound after it like a Golden Retriever after a tennis ball, she'd bat it around for a bit then bring it back so I could throw it again, very good times.
    I used to call her Pup to aggravate my girl friend, she also would visit while I was using the John, I'd toss the mouse in the air and she'd leap and snag it out of the air like she was Jerry Rice.
    Then when she got older she lost interest in fetch, so sad but lot of great memories of a great little friend.




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