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Thread: Does your cat play fetch

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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
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    Does your cat play fetch

    When Samantha was young she loved to play fetch, I'd be watching TV sitting in my chair and she'd bring one of the cat nip rattle mice over and drop it in front of me, this was to let me know she wanted to play mouse ball, I'd throw it across the room and she'd bound after it like a Golden Retriever after a tennis ball, she'd bat it around for a bit then bring it back so I could throw it again, very good times.
    I used to call her Pup to aggravate my girl friend, she also would visit while I was using the John, I'd toss the mouse in the air and she'd leap and snag it out of the air like she was Jerry Rice.
    Then when she got older she lost interest in fetch, so sad but lot of great memories of a great little friend.

  2. #2
    Über Cat
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    Teddy likes to bring us some of his toy mice when he wants to play but he doesn't always return with them. He tends to let you throw it, then he crouches down and does his little bum wiggle before he pounces and then he'll play with it for hours or until something more interesting catches his eye! Sometimes he brings us back the mouse though. I don't think that counts as him playing fetch just yet!

  3. #3
    Cool Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stacey View Post
    Teddy likes to bring us some of his toy mice when he wants to play but he doesn't always return with them. He tends to let you throw it, then he crouches down and does his little bum wiggle before he pounces and then he'll play with it for hours or until something more interesting catches his eye! Sometimes he brings us back the mouse though. I don't think that counts as him playing fetch just yet!
    Samantha didn't always bring it right back either, but when she did it was hysterical her little head would bob up and down and I talk to her just like if she was a dog "Bring it here Girl" and then when she would give it to me I'd give her great praise and pets "You're a Good Girl".
    She would just glow when praised.
    It has to be fun and there has to be a reward for success.
    It was kinda sad she lost interest in the game when she matured, she'd still play with the cat teaser and play with the mice by herself but no more fetch.

  4. #4
    Elite Cat
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    Awww, be careful what you wish for though! I have two fetchers ... and my bed is a different zone each morning! I go to bed every night with a clear bed and wake up every morning with a wide variety of toys on it and in it! This morning we had two cat teasers in the bed, various balls and a cat bed - thanks to my little boy who has recently discovered his love for his bed and taking it everywhere with him!!

    Moshi is selective about her fetch toys, but Moto will fetch whatever you throw. He really is a dog in disguise! The pair of them sit at my feet with wide eyes just waiting for me to throw something and then return it dutifully to my feet for another round. If I'm not paying attention, one of them jumps onto my lap with whatever toy and plonks it down with an "ahem" chirp!

    I hope they don't lose their love for it ... it's a great party trick for when friends come around, as they think it's amazing! (as do I - proud mummy!)

  5. #5
    Elite Cat
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    Sometimes, usually down the stairs, I throw something up and she goes to get it and puts it at the top step and pushes it down with her paw or tail, funny and cute

  6. #6
    Happy Kitten
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    Jones has no concept of fetch, well the last part of fetch anyway. When he's in a playful mood he will happily bound after any of his toys if you throw them, he just prefers to beat the toy up for a while instead of bringing it back.




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