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Corrigan and Mimi have babies
Today Corrigan gave birth to her 4 babies,exactly one week after Mimi, lol
We are hand rearing Mimis for some time yet but the babies of Corrigan are HUGE!! so I am sure she will be fine.
I did not want 3 litters of babies, but as most of you know the tale of my two sweet girls you know that I had little choice but to breed them when one they were in condition and two they called, I hope that I can make them feel safe and loved forever, and I will put up some nice photos of the babies.:smile:
The photos are of Corrigan this morning proud mama with her babies!:satisfied:
And Mimi also a proud mama with her week old babies.:satisfied:
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Mimis babies getting their milk!!
Here is mum feeding the babies tonight after working in the garden all day!!
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Mimis babies 2 weeks and 1 day!
Update on Mimis babies!
We are now only feeding them 3 times a day Mimi has settled to feeding them, though not huge because of the handfeeding we know they will catch up quick when they are weaned.:smile:
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Corrigans Babies 1 week and 1 day!
Corrigan is doing a fantastic job with her 3 and Mimis one baby!!
She is a natural mother and they are big fat healthy babies :smile:
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Mimis babies nearly 3 weeks old
They are growing very slowly, Mimi is a much bigger cat than Corrigan in lengh etc! but she had a difficult time with the babies and they are being hand reared but she is now also feeding them, we will just watch them grow! the little girl, we have nearly lost her 4 times mimi has sat on her so many times,:stressed: but she is still here!:smile:
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Corrigan and Mimi's Babies
We have started to hand feed Mimi,s babies with a little pate to get them to eat, they are not impressed but we are getting them to eat something, they are still being fed by mum and topped up by us!
Corrigan what can I say an amazing and truly dedicated mum, i cry a tear when i think one more week only last year and she would have had her precious babies ripped away from her, i can not imagine how she has got over this but she has, thankfully:smile:
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The Little Gremlins.. but so cuddly!!
Now in complete contrast to Aphrodites babies Mimi and Corrigans babies..
They went for their first vaccination on Friday and the vet could not believe the difference in the 3 litters.. Aphrodites huge babies.. and Corrigan and Mimis... NOT as big... VERY healthy just different, I am not sure the Dutch and English lines work so well here, though the vet did say a lot is down to how the mother was reared, Aphrodite has been with us since she was 12 weeks... Corrigan and Mimi were not as you know with us!!
I will try and get some nicer photos, they have fantastic puursonalities.. though
Both mums I took a photo of through the window at 6am this morning..
P. S. Please pardon their manners they had just eaten breakfast most of them are still wearing it!!
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Second Vaccination on Friday!!
They are growing in to nice kittens, PHEW!! lol, I have been told by some reliable Mainecoon breeders that have now looked at the pedigrees that the lines that these are from on the English side... are slow developers... so I think they will be a fab size when they grow up... here are the photos...
I have taken a lot of photos... they are totally CRAZY!! and I have no time to pick and chose for now.. so I have added them all!
Amber is back but all she has done is sleep.. lol