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Thread: Been owned by a rescue MC for 10 days!

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    Been owned by a rescue MC for 10 days!

    Well I've been owned by Buddy for just 10 days now and wonder what I ever did without him. Thank you all for answering my many questions and of course MickB for providing his name.

    Its been a busy few days of appts and getting to know each other. Groomers was erm interesting, vets even more so. But Buddy is now mat free and has a clean bill of health. Plumber has been called to reinforce bathroom sink lol I have to brush my teeth in the bath now!

    Buddy is still nervous, he is great and affectionate with me but when others are about he is different. Think this is just going to be a matter of time.

    Well the soppy great ginger has shown his intelect. He can, and does open his food cupboard, opens the microwave when there's chicken in it, hides his brush, takes over the bathroom sink, manages to take up more of my bed than I do, growl at anyone who comes near my door and can give fantastic cuddles when he is in the mood. He is starting to pick up on my epilepsy now as well - he gets really violent much like my previous cat did.

    Oh and he is quite the little thief ...... can I have my heart back now please Buddy?




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