My hands are not small. Neither it appears are Leo's:
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My hands are not small. Neither it appears are Leo's:
Attachment 2925Pomeroys Paw
Attachment 2924Raggles Paw
Raggles has the same big paws as Storm!
Post more paws-in-hand pics. I like this idea. Of course we don't know how big everyones hands are...
Perhaps with a coin in the pic as well for size comparison?
Mine would eat the coin.
I normally try to avoid Buddy's paws as there usually swiping for my ankles on the stairs but I now wish I hadn't taken this .....
Attachment 2933
My hands are quite dinky but still...Attachment 2988
NCarver. .. get your camera out and a paw or more in your paw xxx
I must get some of Teddy's in my hands :) He'll be a bit teeny compared to everyone else right now though!
I love the water swiping shot!
Aw I love this thread, here's my bear's paw :)
Attachment 3030
Paddington I think you might have an unfair advantage on this one,bless....x
Gee I'd keep on Teddy's good side if I were you to avoid a swipe of that weapon!!
Poor Paddington. x
Here is my lots feet
Brown paw - Sarah - 2.5 yrs
grey paw - Zack - 1.5 yrs
White paw - Boris - 7 m
Attachment 3138Attachment 3139Attachment 3140
Leo has grown a bit...
Your sure it says Maine Coon and not Lion on their papers aren't you Peter?
It says his pedigree name is Panthera Leo. Does that help ? :-P
When he looks like this read that again ....
Attachment 3964
Nah, that's Onca. Panthera Onca. His cousin.
Thinking about it, why isn't there a cattery with a "Panthera" prefix... there must be :)
Doh, the penny's finally dropped. Being a bit thick tonight :P
Leo is still the big boy of the bunch;
Rasputin's paw is now wider than my little finger is long...Attachment 4322