Aww that's so sweet!!:) I hope it doesn't make me a bad person to be picky.... I really want a pure breed Maine Coon but can't afford one. And in my heart I really want to rescue one! I just hope I can find one like I want.
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OOh I'm finding them cheaper now... like around $400.... I wonder if the kittens I found are $1000 because they had like 5 champions in there line?
I would be wary of cats that are significantly cheaper than the norm; we paid £400 for Rasputin (which is standard for the UK). If they're cheap you're running the risk that they're not pedigrees or that they're raised in sub-standard conditions. Make sure you check them out fully before committing :)
Yeah, I second pralinehero in that if a breeder is selling all their kittens at a significantly lower price, there's probably something wrong. I've heard of breeders slightly reducing the price of kittens with, I don't know how to put it, health problems etc. but as far as I know (which isn't much!) it's not all that common that MCs are born with problems as they're a pretty hardy breed if bred correctly so it would be difficult for you to find something like that. Besides, I don't think someone goes looking for a 'cheap MC kitten'. If a breeder is selling all their kittens for a very low price it's likely that they're either not full pedigree MCs or that they could end up costing you far more in vet bills due to illnesses and so on.
I agree with everyone else in saying that if you can't afford the standard cost of an MC then it's probably best for you to look at rescue cats. We are not wealthy people at all so we saved up to make sure we could afford Teddy - I started saving around this time last year actually! I wonder if the little bundle of fluff knows how much we wanted him before we even knew him?? Anyway, I digress.
I hope you manage to find a lovely MC/part MC cat, OP. It's alright to be picky but once you meet your little guy or girl (or big if you find a fully grown one!) you'll know :)
Yeah your right..... its a tad scarey when there cheap.....I think it might have to do with all the "Champion lines". I'm gonna look in all the shelters here 1st and then online rescues :)
Look I'm sorry if I came off as I'm fine buying a Maine Coon from a bad place just because it's cheap, which I'm NOT okay with that. I honestly knew nothing about prices when it came to Maine Coon's. And on that note I DO understand the price of having an animal. Just because I don't have $1000 to drop on an animal now doesn't mean I dont know that it's going to cost $$$ money to keep that animal. Which I know that responsibility seeing as I work at a top animal hosptial. I know that its going to cost $$ to have animal and its a privilege.
This was not about me getting "What I want right now, right away" It was about taking the time to find the right cat (which I did and his very cute and needs a new home because hes a rescue.) I understand the responsibility of owning any animal and the cost of long term care. So please understand that I do know and just didn't know the world of Maine Coon breeding like you. Thank you for the advice though
Blondie I think it's great that you came on here to ask fellow MC owners questions - it's really responsible and it puts you in a much better position for finding your own little guy/girl. I think we all want to make sure you get a happy healthy cat or kitten to be your companion for years to come.
I'd had a pedigree puppy and we paid £450 for her about fifteen years ago so I knew that a pedigree cat would probably be equally as expensive. As I said previously, we saved our money to be able to pay for Teddy and all the things we needed to get for him. We also went through and worked out estimates of how much he would cost to feed and care for before he was even born. We needed to make sure we wouldn't be stretching ourselves financially by having him and yes, I have bought less shoes in the last year than normal but he's completely worth it :)
If you find you're having no luck with rescue centres and so on, would you consider saving up for a kitten? It's just a thought but it's certainly do-able if it's what you really want. Then you can find a reputable breeder in your area. Let us know if you find anyone at the rescues :)
Blondie for what its worth I also think that you have been very caring and responsible in asking for advice on here. As has been proved von this thead breeders websites can be very deceiving (them poor kitties, not going to cry again). I too am very new to the forum and Coonies having found my beloved Buddy on Preloved | UK free ads - buy and sell with local classifieds. I was not aware he was a coonie until after I got him home and got paid taxi fare and £20 for litterbox and food to take Him.
I love Buddy to bits and have started a "penny jar" putting all my change in for a kitten. BUT in the first week I had him he cost £60 at groomers due to matts, £170 at vets for health check, jabs and getting rid of the rest of the matts, £10 for frontline, £8 for wormers and about £50 on brushes, toys, scratching post etc. These are things that I didn't take into account when taking on a rescue. Don't get me wrong he is worth every penny and more but, like I feel you are, I worked out weekly cost; food, litter, money aside for vet bills, insurance and could afford to give a cat a good healthy life, it was just the initial cost that I had problems with.
The right cat is out there for you and you will find each other. When you do you will be as soppy about your cat as we all are about ours. Very personally I have found Buddy to be more of a cat than I ever dreamt possible and can't thank the members on here enough for their advice and patience with my endless questions when he first arrived.
I agree with Catslave and Stacey :); it sounds like you're doing everything right in researching what the right price is for a full pedigree and what the "running costs" are.
Not sure if you've seen this thread but it might also be helpful even though aimed at UK peeps...