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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Carmichael, California, United States
    Thanked 31 Times in 31 Posts

    Boy, Girl or Both

    When I was a child I always had male cats, as a boy I felt I needed a boy cat to be pals with.
    When I moved out on my own the apartments I live in didn't allow pet, in fact California is not a pet friendly state for renters.
    For the last 20+ years I've been owned by the ladies, first Meme and later by Samantha and Chiquita.
    Samantha was the epitome of a female Maine Coon Cat, Gracious, Kind, Gentile and some what reserved, she was also drop dead gorgeous and well aware of the fact.
    Now that Samantha is gone and Chiquita is getting elderly too I'm thinking I've got a cat life span left in me if I'm lucky.
    Since I want my cats to have company I'm thinking of getting 2 at once my first thought was to get 2 girls maybe sisters.
    I've been watching a lot of Maine Coon videos on You-Tube and I amazed by how much personality the guys have.
    My thoughts now are a boy and a girl, maybe brother and sister, fixed of course.
    I've live the last 11 years with 2 girls that barely tolerate each other and it always made me sad that they couldn't be friends.
    I want my next cats to be a comfort to each other as well as to me.

  2. #2
    Boy plus Boy

    Girl Plus Girl

    Boy Plus Girl!!

    All work specially if you get them together, brother sister or even out of another litter!!

    Personally I love the boys... but I also have some very loving out going affectionate girls.

    Take time to see them, visit often and make sure they are well handled and socialised and it will not matter what Sex you get!

    Boys fall out! Girls fall out that's just cats!!

  3. #3
    Über Cat
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    Oct 2010
    Pontllanfraith, Wales
    Thanked 58 Times in 56 Posts
    We have 2 boys and 3 girls which we have acquired over the last 15 months.

    They all get on great with each other.

    The one boy is very affectionate but the other is very aloof (he is a retired stud boy)

    The 3 girls are all very affectionate and get on great with each other. We have had them all from kittens at 5 month intervals.

  4. #4
    Cool Cat
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    May 2011
    Carmichael, California, United States
    Thanked 31 Times in 31 Posts
    Maybe I should ask what are the personality differences between male and female Maine Coon Cat.
    I only have experience with my Samantha and she was exactly as described in the book "This In the Maine Coon Cat" which I've since given away, I have a copy of "The Yankee Cat" but can't find it.
    Samantha thought she was a beautiful princess and she was, gracious, gentle and loving to her Papa, some what indifferent to stangers
    But if you made the effort she'd warm up to you.
    Some of the males I've seen in videos big gregarious over grown kittens.
    I want to get at least 2 cats and I want them to bond.

  5. #5
    Über Cat
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    Jan 2011
    Thanked 70 Times in 69 Posts
    We got a boy mostly because Dave wanted 'a big cat' and obviously since the guys are larger, he was attracted to that. Previously I've had two cats - one boy and one girl. They weren't MCs and while I loved Molly, she wasn't very pleasant to anyone other than me! TJ was a lovely big lazy thing (he was ginger too which is probably part of the reason why I love reds so much!) so I've always been more drawn to male cats since having him.

    Another reason we went for a boy was that we were initially planning on getting two at the same time but Dave decided he only wanted one with the intention of getting another in the near future (why, I really don't know!). My friend was in a similar situation but she got a girl first. When she came home with two male kittens a year later, the girl was initially fine about it but once they grew to be bigger than her, she was very unimpressed. I feel that when we get our next it will be a girl (unless a cheeky little chappy decides he wants us instead!) and we'll hopefully avoid a situation where Teddy would feel intimidated by a bigger kitty.

    I heard somewhere that the females tend to be more 'chatty' but Teddy never shuts up so I don't think that's set in stone either. Our breeder also said that the girls like to be a bit more nosy but again Teddy is always coming to see what we're doing, if he's not right beside us anyway! Hmm...maybe he's a girl? That would be interesting!

    Ultimately though I don't think it really matters. You just need to go and meet some kitties and go with your heart on the matter. Good luck




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