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  1. #1
    Cool Cat
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Carmichael, California, United States
    Thanked 31 Times in 31 Posts

    Boy, Girl or Both

    When I was a child I always had male cats, as a boy I felt I needed a boy cat to be pals with.
    When I moved out on my own the apartments I live in didn't allow pet, in fact California is not a pet friendly state for renters.
    For the last 20+ years I've been owned by the ladies, first Meme and later by Samantha and Chiquita.
    Samantha was the epitome of a female Maine Coon Cat, Gracious, Kind, Gentile and some what reserved, she was also drop dead gorgeous and well aware of the fact.
    Now that Samantha is gone and Chiquita is getting elderly too I'm thinking I've got a cat life span left in me if I'm lucky.
    Since I want my cats to have company I'm thinking of getting 2 at once my first thought was to get 2 girls maybe sisters.
    I've been watching a lot of Maine Coon videos on You-Tube and I amazed by how much personality the guys have.
    My thoughts now are a boy and a girl, maybe brother and sister, fixed of course.
    I've live the last 11 years with 2 girls that barely tolerate each other and it always made me sad that they couldn't be friends.
    I want my next cats to be a comfort to each other as well as to me.




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