Full Blood Maine Coon?
I adopted this cute kitty from my local shelter. I am almost completely sure he is a full blood Maine coon, although I am not sure. I've always wanted a big cat (so I am quite happy anyways) but would like to know just for sure if he is full blood or not.
Hard to tell from just the one picture.
Here's a link
Maine Coon Rescue
Many cat have some Maine Coon features but not all.
Does he have the lynx ear tip, does he have tuffs of fur between his toes, is his tail as long as his body.
Maine Coons are the 2nd most popular pure breed cat in the US, so there's a lot of part Maines out there, they're great cats too.
My favorite is Micmac, he's a little small and his ears aren't perfect but he's got 100% Maine Coon pesonality.
YouTube - ‪Kanal von cooncatbob‬‏
I've checked and he does weight 18 pounds exact, he has the hair coming from his ears and does have huge tufts of fur in his paws. he has a very long tail, not the size of his entire body but about 3/4 of it.
Will add another picture later---
Either way you have a great looking cat! I hope when I go looking the shelter will have a Maine Coon! I bet he's glad you adopted him though =)
You won't ever know for sure if he is a 100% MC. A lot of moggies have bits that fit with the breed, from that picture I wouldn't say 100% MC, his ears look very rounded and his muzzle is quite flat but the picture isn't great.
Either way he's a cute kitty what ever he is!
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