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Thread: What made you choose a Maine Coon?

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Northampton, UK
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    What made you choose a Maine Coon?

    We all know Maine Coons are the best breed ever, but what made you choose the breed?

    I will post our story first to get it going.
    6 years ago me and fiance at the time moved in together and both loved cats and decided to 'rescue' one, so we found a breed rescue place with every intention of taking in a persian

    When we went to view our possible persian, as we walked into where the cages were the lady let out this huge black boy Maine Coon called George, he just followed us around chattering to us whilst we were looking at our persian, we nearly changed our mind and chose George, but he looked really happy and comfortable with life, the persian looked scared and in need of a lot of love, so we took the persian home, she was already named Purrdie and she is a gorgeous white Chinchilla
    Think we always wanted a Maine Coon after that and decided (after Purrdie had a short spell of illness in the summer) that we would not want to be without another cat, so took the plunge and started searching for a silver tabby maine coon

    No regrets!
    ToniGee likes this.




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