Unfortunately the cage is not small enough to be carried around. Its an old chicken run which we have had to modify! Ive attached a pic! It now has an extension because we bought a dog crate to attach to it. He has a very pimped house!!!!!
After the visit to the vet the other day we feel much more positive. We saw a different vet and he seemed surprised that the other vet wanted to take his cast off after 2 weeks. He suggests 6 weeks cage rest and then take it off and review it then. He said he didn't feel an op would be needed and that we were doing the best thing for him. He is due back in on Wednesday to have his cast changed again.
The vets said that underneath his cast his skin is getting very sore and red which is why they keep changing his cast. Makes me feel really sad for him. Its obviously bothering him as he was licking his cast the other day.
We let him out to see Phoebe for a few mins every day and they were laying together in the doorway yesterday. Very sweet! I don't know if anyone has seen a dreadful film called the Human Centipede but this is the feline version in the photo!!! :)
I wonder if his foot will be all skinny and weak when the cast comes off???