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18th July 2011, 09:45 PM #31
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Unfortunately the cage is not small enough to be carried around. Its an old chicken run which we have had to modify! Ive attached a pic! It now has an extension because we bought a dog crate to attach to it. He has a very pimped house!!!!!
After the visit to the vet the other day we feel much more positive. We saw a different vet and he seemed surprised that the other vet wanted to take his cast off after 2 weeks. He suggests 6 weeks cage rest and then take it off and review it then. He said he didn't feel an op would be needed and that we were doing the best thing for him. He is due back in on Wednesday to have his cast changed again.
The vets said that underneath his cast his skin is getting very sore and red which is why they keep changing his cast. Makes me feel really sad for him. Its obviously bothering him as he was licking his cast the other day.
We let him out to see Phoebe for a few mins every day and they were laying together in the doorway yesterday. Very sweet! I don't know if anyone has seen a dreadful film called the Human Centipede but this is the feline version in the photo!!!
I wonder if his foot will be all skinny and weak when the cast comes off???
18th July 2011, 10:22 PM #32
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Aww bless him. So pleased you got a better reaction and friendlier advice at the Vets, must have eased your anxiety no end. My lot are jealous of the pimped cage
You've already got through the hardest part and its up hill from here. As for when the cast comes off, I've only ever had a dog in cast and her leg was slightly weaker to start with - she seemed scared to walk on it for a few days and cated herself; her fur had thinned and her skin was dry and inflamed. Couple of weeks of gentle excercise, a good cream from the vets and she was back to normal. Oh do I mention that she made up for her "lock up" with bundles and bundles of pent up playing.Another big hug to Paddington from me, my furries and slitherers xxxxxx. Btw I've seen the film and agree! For you I suggest some candles, a chilled bottle of wine, a coonie free bathroom, luxorious bubble bath. ...... and relax xxxxx
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18th July 2011, 10:28 PM #33
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Sorry that should have read "crated herself" can't use Edit Post, roll on tomorrow when fingers crossd I get my laptop back x
18th July 2011, 11:54 PM #34
19th July 2011, 02:21 PM #35
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Awww poor mite! He obviously loves his sister LOTS!
Mummy to;
Sooty 9.6.1996 - 28.4.2011 Rest in peace my love
11th August 2011, 10:33 PM #36
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Hello everyone!
Thought I'd give you all an update on Paddington. It's been nearly 6 weeks since his cast was put on and it is due to be removed on Saturday morning. I'm so nervous and worried about his leg. We have to cross all fingers, toes and claws that when his cast comes off he isn't limping. If he is still limping we may have no other option except the operation.
Once his cast comes off they have warned me that he will walk strangely for a few days as he gets used to it. He has to continue his cage rest for a further 2 weeks once it comes off.
This has been the most horrible 6 weeks ever and something I'm looking forward to us moving on from. I feel very sorry for anyone who ever has to cage rest their cat. :(
11th August 2011, 11:04 PM #37
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Fingers, toes, paws and claws crossed here for Paddington as well. I bet you can't wait for him to be getting up to mischief again
Lets hope his last two weeks in prison are spend building up his strength and keeping you busy stopping his escape attempts. He will have lost muscle tone and will be a bit wary of putting weight on his leg when the cast comes off. His leg will feel very light to him after thee weight of the cast so don't immediately think it hasn't worked if he is limping for the first few days; he will need time to build himself up to trusting it fully.
Big big hugs to Paddington; and one for Mummy as well x
13th August 2011, 12:47 AM #38
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Thinking of you all,good luck for tomorrow.....x
14th August 2011, 09:15 AM #39
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So Paddington came back from the vets but is still holding his leg up like before. I could have cried.
I was so hoping that the 6 weeks cage rest with a cast & splint would have done the trick. Of course it could be too early to tell and he could just be holding it up because he isnt used to using it. But its now been 24 hours and he still wont put any weight on it.
He is to continue with cage rest for a further 2 weeks and we have been told that if he is still lame after a few days we are to bring him back to discuss 'next steps' i.e. surgery. I really really don't want him to have surgery. Its nothing to do with cost as most of it would be covered on the insurance i just don't want him to have to go to through it.
I feel really cross and upset. We have done everything we can and still it wasn't good enough to fix him. :(
On a lighter note, he seems really happy to have his leg back and has done a lot of licking, it also means he can play in water again! Yay. We gave him a baking tray with water on it to play with as a treat and he loved it. Made a complete mess in his cage which i then had to clear up but i didn't mind.
Worried Mummy.
14th August 2011, 03:21 PM #40
Poor Paddington! I'm sorry that you are worried but you could be right, he may just not be used to using it. I really hope that he starts to use his leg soon. I shall keep my fingers and Mufasa's paws crossed. XX