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Thread: Poor Paddington :(

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  1. #1
    Elite Cat
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    Unhappy Poor Paddington :(

    My poorly boy might have fractured his wrist :( He had been limping very mildly for a few days but yesterday it got much worse and he was very lame.

    We took him to the vets last night and he has been given pain killers and an anti-inflammatory (in-case it is just a sprain). We have been told to bring him back on Wednesday when he will have an X-ray if he is no better.

    To top this off, he is being sick. I think he is trying to bring up a hair-ball as he is due one any day now. This meant that the vet had to give him different pain killers than what she wanted to as she couldn't give them to a vomiting cat.

    The vet prescribed special food which he wont eat, so i have been up since before 5 steaming chicken and rice for him! (Mummies boy). He was so well behaved at the vets and just let her get on with it and didn't cause a fuss.

    I think Phoebe can sense something is wrong as she isn't giving him a hard time!! We don't know how he did it. He is very clumsy though.

    Poor Paddington.

    Worried mummy.


    P.s Photo of pads when we got back from the vets sitting on 'his' balcony. His favourite place to be.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_1357.jpg  




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