Playing Fetch?
I just wondered if all Coonies love to play fetch? Sookie would do it all day if i let her. When i don't cooperate she sits on my head with her toy until i throw it for her,lol!
I've uploaded this video of her to you tube, she never keeps still enough for good photo!
‪Sookie playing fetch‬‏ - YouTube
Laura & Sookie
Love the stripe down the middle of her back .... I want my kittens to play fetch ...would make life so much easier.
That stripe is stunning. She looks so sweet. I love the ears at the end of the bed to MC in your face bit.
She is my first Maine coon,
I'm amazed at how dog like she is! I'm trying to teach the kids to throw for her.
That'll keep them all entertained for a while :) xx
Both the kittens do, especially first thing in the morning and late at night. Gandalf and Theodore didn't at their age nor do they now
Laura: Winston my coonie also loves to play fetch with a tinfoil ball. He refuses to play fetch with his toys......it has to be a ball made from tinfoil :-)
I have a few who play fetch :LOL:...and sometime's its boring for me haha :LOL:.
They can not stop.
Here also favorite a tinfoil ball.
Our Coonies have taught me to play fetch.
I throw the toy, they run after it, and then sit down next to it waiting for me to come over, pick it up an throw it again.:LOL:
BTW, your Sookie looks quite a lot like our Monty (aka El Monto)! His smoke pattern is very similar, including the silver line running along the spine.:nod:
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