The terrible twosome
Well I have collected Ffion today. Am staying at my parents with Poif and Ffion for the weekend.
Poif is being very good, friendly, gentle, curious.
Ffion seems to be a 'noisy player'. Lots of growling, the occasional hiss, but it seems to be when playing rather than an angry/scared reaction. Very odd. Poor Poif doesn't know whether she is supposed to be playing or hiding!!:rofl:
Am taking pics, but can't upload them til Monday.
Can't wait to see the pics x
Hmmmm Ffion is behaving like a wild cat! She growls everytime poor Poif moves. Hoping she'll calm down soon, but am getting a little bit anxious already about if this is going to work.
Give it time. Poifs territory has been invaded and she probably wants a good sniff etc. Ffion is probably scared and nervous. Have a water bottle ready incase things get too bad but bet you won't need it x
OK...I'm feeling a lot less anxious now. Ffion has chilled out a lot over the last 24 hours. She awoke in the night in a hissy growly panic, but I think she must have forgotten where she was. :S
Both kittens are playing together without the high noise levels, eating out of the same food bowl and just generally hanging out together!! Hurrah.
So is your camera broken then? Seriously, glad things are settling down, and can't wait to see the pics x
That's great news Bethy_boo, in fact it's quite a result after such a short time! Now you can start having some fun....and pictures, pictures please....! x
Apologies for the picture delay. I have my camera and have taken about a million, but I'm at my parents place in Cornwall so don't have the appropriate wires to transfer the pics. Am heading back to Bristol tomorrow though, so hopefully they'll be up by the evening.
As I write this the two are engaged in their 'noisy play'. Well Ffion is being noisy, the rest is the sound of leaping, banging and things being knocked down from high places. Think it's gonna be a sleepless one for me!!
Thanks for the support in my moment of anxiety. It's quite out of character. I just really didn't want things to go wrong and to have to return Ffion...Yay for happy endings! xx
So we are now back in Bristol and Ffion is ridiculously relaxed. She is sitting on my lap (a first) as I write this (which is making typing a little tricky). Feel so much happier about the pair now, and already know I made the right choice about getting another MC. Now me and my partner won't argue about who gets to cuddle the cat, we can have one each!! So here are some pics...
In this pic Poif is getting as close as she can. Ffion would hiss and growl if she saw she was getting too close
Being hissed at...
Butter wouldn't melt!
A safe distance
Finally friends
love the pics...stunning babes
Great pics, gorgeous kitties. Lovely to see them eat side by side.
What an amazing photo this last one!
Stunning kitties, great pictures!
The last picture is good to see, friends at last! We have had that situation 4 times in the last year.
It is great when the new arrival is accepted and is part of the gang.
Haven't put up pics for a while so thought it was about time...
Thanks for update,what super looking cats they are,I wish we hadn't gone onto a water meter because I think we use more having to satisfy the MC water fetish than we did before their arrival but it is fun watching them. Luv Ffion's tail....x
never tried a slightly running tap.... idea for entertainment tonight lol
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This is poor Bruce looking as if he is trying to turn the tap on more,we had only just gone onto the water meter & restricted his fun to drops only...!
Nothing like 2 MCC for double trouble and double the fun.
It's true, having 2 is totally worth it!! Cannot believe how much I love these flippin cats!!
Poif's tail is even bigger than Ffions tail, although I did have to trim something gruesome out of it a while ago so it's not quite as long as it used to be...
P.S Apologies for the length of the films. I tried editing them down, didn't realise I had been filming for quite so long when I initially played the back. I'm a true obsessive!! :shy:
The girls having a little play in the garden. Got some good footage of Poif's fluffy tale!!
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