Yes! Yes! Photos! :drool1:
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Yes! Yes! Photos! :drool1:
Before we got Alfie he was known as "Champion Fluff-ball" and he still gets called it nearly three years later! Beware of the silly names - they stick!
Ok, not Snowflake, but how about Snowy. Someone said your others end in a ey sound.
I was once at the Supreme, in the next pen was a gorgeous white cat, think he was called Artic Warrior.
Thinking of Artic how about Yeti as a name.
Thanks for the ideas! Yes we've found that the silly name is sticking....but there's no way I can bring myself to register it! So it will probably remain a nickname. The shortlist went like this: Whisper (Wispy, Whizz, Careless Whisper), Sunshine (Sunny, now then sunshine, don't blame it on the Sunshine, Sunshine on a rainy day, etc etc - my personal favourite), and Willow (Willow-the-wisp). But we couldn't agree on any of these. Then the OH said 'Herbert!' Or 'Herbie', which we both liked. As we are picking the pedigree name as well, I said how about 'Sherbert Fountain', which refers to the kitten's lovely white fur, um, probably. I ran both names past our friend the breeder, and she loves them, so Herbie it is (aka Snowflake!).
BTW, Arctic Warrior is a magnificent name! I love it! But I'm not sure it would suit our kitten, who seems more of a laid-back character than a warrior kitten. He was very happy to hang out with us and play with my finger, whereas one of his brothers was a warrior ninja kitten, squealing his head off and trying to eat my arm, whew, scary stuff! (tbh we wanted to take him home as well....he was a black smoke, so no surprises there).
I don't have any more photos just now, but we are welcome to visit Herbie anytime, and he's only a 15-min drive away, so we will certainly take lots more pics before we bring him home. Only 7 weeks to go, much longer to wait than last time. Still, it's lovely to have seen him so tiny, and presumably if we visit often he'll get used to us. In fact, do you think there's any mileage in the idea of taking one of Larry and Monty's toys to the kitten so he can get to know their smell, and vice-versa?
I love the name Herbie ..... just remember the other Herbie had a mind of its own. (can I take bets on how long it is before your OH puts 53 on his harness?)
Think the toy idea is brilliant, certainly wont hurt. IMO more get Larry and Monty used to the kitten smell.
H/bob you seem to choose names the same way I do, my Devon rex was born on St Georges day so I chose Dragonslayer as his posh name and George for his pet name, my much loved Mr Henry was named Tinabee Mini Cooper so Henry it had to be.
I think Herbie is a fine name to grow in to.
Gracie & Monty give a big paws up to the name Herbie! x