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Thread: White Kitten: Decision Time!

  1. #61
    Top Cat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Howlinbob View Post
    tenant has evicted landlord (our friend)...
    Tenant evicting landlord...? You mean by bullying?
    One of our former landlords, when we were still renting, once had a tenant try the same. They didn't succeed but it was a rough ride nonetheless.
    Best wishes to your friend... hope things can be set straight soon.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Howlinbob View Post
    It's a long story...basically the tenant in the house is refusing to leave and things have the point where tenant has evicted landlord (our friend)... said tenant is also my sister unfortunately with whom I cut off all contact 3 years ago for these sorts of reasons...we are all stressed beyond belief and seeking legal advice...poor friend & his cats are in the thick of it!
    Is the Tenant a Lodger or a Tenant? Makes a huge difference. Has your friend got a Court Order for Possession? If not how has the Tenancy been ended? Assuming its an Assured Shorthold Tenancy has a Section 21 or Section 8 Notice been issued? When did Tenancy start, what was the term? When were the Notices dated and what was the wording of the Expiry of the Notice? The only legal way to remove a tenant on an AST is via Court Order then Court Bailiffs. If Lodger its a bit easier. And if Resident Landlord easier still.

    Your friend needs to contact the Tenancy Relations Officer at the Council ASAP. Don't pay for Legal Advice unless it is from a Specialist in Landlord and Tenant Law. As you've probably guessed this is something I am really up on so if you want to PM or e-mail me details or with your phone number I will help all that I can and can point in the direction of free legal assistance that is not widely known about Legal Aid as such is not available as such but there is free legal advice and representation available through the Government if you know where to go and what to say.

    Tell your friend to keep all dealings with your sister in writing. If there is a phone conversation, follow it up with a letter or e-mail. Text messages can be used in Court but Voice Messages can't.
    Last edited by catslave; 1st September 2011 at 10:25 PM. Reason: To Add: Should have explained I do have a huge knowledge of Landlord and Tenant Law


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